[quote=@souleaterfan320] Hawk: *eradicates the substances energy with Amaranthine* [color=aba000][i]Are you going to actually do anything worthwhile? Or just waste my time?[/i][/color] *thousandz of amaranthine tendrils cover you in an instant, and begin to convert you into more amaranthine* [/quote] *Grins* Allow me to teach you a lesson! *Swipes my arm across me and all the tendrils are dissolved in the wave of the electron field* In general, no matter how powerful somebody is, they're restricted by their output limit. *From behind you, consumes you in a planetary-sized beam* But imagine if there were no cap on how much of your energy you could use at one time! *The next instant, I reach into your heart without ever making physical contact* That's what Tertiary Form gives to a being. Unlimited output rate! *Electrifies your very essence through contact with the electron field*