[@MarshiestMallow] [color=lightpink]"I say let her do it. I mean, yeah, she did bring this whole shit down on us but it's not actually her fault those bitches are whack jobs. And she said it herself, she doesn't wanna be a witch anymore..."[/color] Claudia paused, a thoughtful look crossing her face. [color=lightpink]"I'd probably like her better if she did turn herself into one of us. And imagine. A wolf with magical powers. That means serious firepower,"[/color] she grinned. [color=lightgreen]"This is the first time we'll be dealing with an unnatural wolf,"[/color] Darric pointed out. [color=lightpink]"Seriously. She's been yapping about how she knows her stuff. If I were her and I'm not sure what I'm doing, I wouldn't even suggest it,"[/color] Claudia argued. [color=turquoise]"Yeah, you would,"[/color] Caius interjected dryly. [color=lightpink]"Well, good thing she's not me then,"[/color] Claudia laughed. [color=lightpink]"Anyway, I said my part. In the end, it all boils down to what you think, Cai."[/color] Darric nodded. [color=turquoise]"No, it all depends on what Callie wants to do,"[/color] Caius said, looking at Callie. [color=turquoise]"If you want to do it then you'll have my support."[/color] [color=lightpink]"Besides, if she goes rogue, we have the two halves of Fenrir here to control her, don't we?"[/color]