[center]【H】【e】【r】 【W】【i】【s】【h】✳【H】【e】【r】 【M】【i】【r】【a】【c】【l】【e】[/center] A flash of silver, the caw of a crow, and it was over. The young man, sandy-blond with fair features that’d have made him a fine model if he worked out more often, stumbled back, clutching his torn throat, trying desperately to stem the flow of that life-preserving ichor. But it spilled between his fingers regardless, his pounding heart only cause more and more to gush out, staining his clothing [i]green[/i]. There was no shock on his face anymore, no fear or despair. Only a burning, monstrous rage that caused his human facade to twist into something more, something less. But there were no curses one could speak with shredded vocal cords, and, falling over a distended garbage bag, he expired. One moment later, and the young man returned to his original form, that of a misshapen, long-eared midget with uneven nails and steel-rending fangs. Even that, soon after, turned to gray snow, melting away and leaving nothing left. The Knight of Rose let out a sigh, even as her Sword purred in enjoyment. A quick kill, an easy snack. How kind it must be, to be satisfied with the basest of desires. The Penrose Independent had been useless. Beacon was unwilling to share information with an unaffiliated magical girl as well. Her clashes with the so-called ‘Beacon Buddies’ over the last few days only confirmed that, detestable as her Patron was, Annabelle wasn’t associated with that first spirit attack. And while Rina was a great partner, resolving new incidents didn’t solve old ones. Didn’t mean she could give up though. Forcing a smile, forcing some flair, Amaryllis repeated her transformation incantation once more, to remember just who she wanted to be, before turning to leave the alleyway. Two figures stood in the open watching at the end of the alley. The light behind them made it difficult to make out their features, but the unusually arabian garb was a dead giveaway for a magical girl. Neither looked particularly threatening though. Stepping into the light Violet took a bow before introducing herself. [color=violet]”It’s nice to meet you, Knight of the Rose. My name is Violet and this is my sister Sakura.”[/color] Righting herself she motioned to the scene behind Amaryllis. [color=violet]”That was quite an elegant display. We can appreciate your artistic flare.”[/color] [color=778899]“Your words are kind, but your purpose remains opaque, Violet,”[/color] Amaryllis replied, keeping her distance. It didn’t feel as if they were intrinsically dangerous, but it was still a scenario where she was outnumbered in a dark alleyway. She placed a hand on her rapier’s hilt and readjusted her jacket, wary but not aggressive. [color=778899]“What do you require of me, Maidens of the Sand and Storm?”[/color] Neither girl reacted much to what Amaryllis did other than to the last bit that was said. Violet glanced back at Sakura for a moment before refocusing on Amaryllis. [color=violet]”Maidens of the Sand and Storm, never thought of that. I like it. To answer your question however we only ask of one thing, a wish of your choosing that we may grant.”[/color] Ordinarily Violet would have liked to lead around a prospect, but this sword bearer didn’t seem to want that banter. Or perhaps that was a misread on her part. Either way it should get across their intent. [color=778899]“A wish?”[/color] Amaryllis rolled the idea in her mind. [color=778899]“Why?”[/color] [color=violet]”It is our curse if you will. Our patron requires it of us and fate lead us to you.”[/color] A curse to create miracles? It sounded too good to be true, too convenient when she just hit a dead end, and too flimsy to simply have ‘fate’ be the deciding factor as to why this encounter occurred to begin with. But Amaryllis found herself asking regardless, like a moth to a flame, [color=778899]“And these miracles of yours, have they limits?”[/color] Nodding in confirmation Violet continued. [color=violet]”There are limits. We are only magical girls after all. But if we are not able to grant a wish you are free to make another wish,”[/color] While she could have gone into more detail the Djinn Sisters were not in the business of divulging the details of what they could and could not do. [color=violet]”What did you have in mind?”[/color] Revenge was the easy one. Information would have helped too. Or just gaining more strength overall would be great. Mayhaps this was a chance to regain her own life and sever this contract with her Sword? But those were all things that she could get herself, in due time and with due effort. [color=778899]“Penrose has been assailed by many magical threats recently,”[/color] Amaryllis began, quietly, decisively, [color=778899]“And most of them have turned their focus not on their magical brethren, but upon the unknowing populace. I despise that. Is the power granted by your patron sufficient to prevent that from happening?”[/color] [color=violet]”Mm, depends on the wish exactly. You'll have to say it as a wish I mean, and then I'll know for sure.”[/color] Violet shrugged slightly. Their magic was not always clear until they heard the wish and either could do it or hit a wall. [color=778899]“Then this is my wish is as follows: for all those within Penrose who are under the Veil of Ignorance to be shielded from magical malice that seeks to physically, emotionally, or spiritually damage them.”[/color] Amaryllis smiled. [color=778899]“How’s that sound?”[/color] The djinn girl looked impressed for a moment before smiling. [color=violet]”A selfless wish, I like it. Quite a lofty one as well. Let me see what I can do.”[/color] There wasn’t much to say to find out. Their patron being linked to them made it nearly instant. But in this case a wish of this scale was outside their individual capabilities. Cafar’s approval came in the form of Mana Font as Violet’s magic surged. This amount of magic was not something either of the girls could maintain long, but wishes were usually pretty instant. Eyes shining while her outline glowed the magic was palpable as it began to spread up and out over Penrose. Floating down the magic covered the entirety of the city, guarding all those unaware of the supernatural world from magical harm. The exertion of magic and focus was a taxing one which caused Violet to drop. Sakura was there to keep her sister from hitting the ground hard. Catching her breath Violet looked up to Amaryllis. [color=violet]”Your wish… has been granted...”[/color] Light headed for a moment she slowly got back to her feet. It was like looking at a supernova, contained in a glass box. Half of her wish was a whim, and Amaryllis had practically expected the wish to be a failure to begin with, but now, as she saw the full power of a [i]god[/i] descend upon the magical girl, the Knight of Rose gulped. Was this actually happening? Was it really that simple? Would this divine protection [i]last[/i]? ...why had no one else wished for such a thing before? Her amethyst gaze watched the magic expand and fall, an almost indiscernible film drifting upon the Unknowing. In its scabbard, the Sword shuddered, rusted nails of caution and disgust crawling against her kidneys. In her mind, she doubted still, how effective this was, what the limits of this was. But that didn’t change what had occured. What it had caused. Hah, she was making this declaration quite often these days, huh? Amaryllis’s embrace was sudden, quick, three steps crossing the distance in the blink of an eye before her arms wrapped around the twins, forgetting in that moment how licentious such an action was in a costume as unrestrained as her own. [color=778899]“I will not forgot this favor you have done for me,”[/color] she spoke in their ears. [color=778899]“My blade is your own, wishgranters. Call my name, and I will be there.”[/color] Even if it was only for a day, even if the protection was slight, it was still something. And that something could easily become the difference between the Knight of Rose arriving right on time or too late.