"That... sounds like a lot," Autharyx says, putting on a face that he hopes is suitably sympathetic. He's kind of at a loss at this topic of conversation, sharply feeling all the cultural connotations and context that he's missing. What do fathers even mean in mortal culture? Autharyx himself certainly never gave much thought to who he came from, but viltez certainly seems... sad? About being left? He did say he was old enough to care for himself when he was, though, so perhaps this was a normal part of the mortal coming of age process? Thankfully he was saved from having to continue a thread of conversation he knew absolutely nothing about by Viltez' next question. He really should have seen something like that coming, but it still caught hims off guard. If the beast-man had asked him what he 'was like' he would have been able to talk a little about his strength and his connection to the world- perhaps even the treasures he collected. But 'looked like'... that was not something he'd ever really thought about in mortal terms, beyond the impression of awe and fear he liked to leave on mortals. "It's a dragon," he starts out slowly, trying to remember what he'd heard humans say about him in the past. "They say its scale shine like the reflection of sun on water, and its mane is dark like the heart of a storm cloud. It is wingless, but that does not matter when one is part of the energy flows that make up the world, and when it storms it twists through the clouds and catches the lightning with its horns." That sounded like something humans might say, didn't it?