Adrian walked along the fence to the quarantine zone, well across the street on the side walk, and as he did he kept his his hands his his pockets as he walked. As he did he was approaching an ally, he new before he even got there, a fight, four people. F*ck me he thought to him self as he approached it and turned looking down the ally, only to see the tail end of the fight as the girl with a pizza box had just defended her self. Goes to show you it's just not safe in this city for your average thug, soon though some one else came up. Was this some new "superhero" team, pizza girl and flab boy, he swore that they seem to be getting lazier every year(thought the one with out a costume, and who mostly just works out in the gym, lives in a shitty apartment, and works as a bouncer where he really just stands around and beating the crap out of people half his size. Though his boss said he did make the perfect bouncer, Big, strong, and never speaking with eyes that look like he might simply snap your neck for looking wrong.) For a few moments he stood their looking at the two, before simply turning his back to walk away. But that is when things got complicated. Some more thugs showed up about four, their three friends on the ground. They looked over at Adrian "Did you do this? Huh did you beat up my guys" a taller man about the same height as Adrian said at him as he smiled, reaching back and pulling out a knife as he flicked it open. Adrian grunted, of course he was the first suspect here, even though he did nothing. He personally knew it was the girl, the sounds of her landing after the fight were to light to be the larger male. But people generally belive what their eyes see. And they saw a small girl, a guy in a costume to tight, and then there was Adrian. He walked closer as Adrian just started at him with those hard eyes of his. "are you going to say something?" he said as adrain brought up his hands and signed "i'm deaf and mute" though another of the thugs stepped forward "the fuck was that" This obviously was leading to one thing. Adrain attacked first, grabbing the arm of the guy with the knife so that he was to the left he pulled down, bringing his right knee up into the guys stomach, Though there was almost no sound to the hit, and you could see the mans lips moving but nothing came out. The next guy pulled out a knife and came at him as he brought his arms up knocking it to the side and punched forward hitting the guy square in the chest as he was sent sailing through the air to the opposite wall, further then a normal person's hit would of sent him and Again, there was not sound from it. The next two guys came at him at once. Bringing us fist, his right extended further then his left, he dipped and weaved under there blows before bringing his right fist out accross to the guy on his left, dip, his left fist hooked hard hitting the man on his right square in the jaw before before bringing his his left elbow over he hit the man on his left, as his right leg came up hitting the man on the right sending him flying back before, like last time he seemed to go further then any normal person could hit him. The one who was on his left was staggering back, his lip bleeding as he pulled out a gun. He shouted something but nothing came back as he reached up grabbing his throat. He only just now realized that there was no sound as he didn't notice it in the heat of the fight. Looking at him Adrain lifted up his left arm, his palm facing him as it jerked back and the man was scent flying through the air hitting the wall behind him. Though there was no sound the other two would be albe to fee the shock wave from that sounds blast. The whole thing was like watching an action movie on mute, and as Adrian looked of at the pair before he turned and walked off. As soon as he rounded the corner it was like some one suddenly un muted everything, the men laying on the ground groaning, holding parts of there body. They looked to be in much more pain then those hits should of given them, to them though the world was ringing inside there heads as the one with the gun was laying on the ground unconscious with blood dripping out of his ears. Adrian shoved his hands in to his pockets as he started walking down the street again.