***I will be adding to this as I can.*** [hr][hr][center][h1][color=crimson][b][i]Redhaven, Massachusetts[/i][/b][/color][/h1][hr][hr] [color=gray][h2][i]The Veil Lifted[/i][/h2] [i]20XX.[/i][/color][/center] Only half a decade has passed since the existence of vampires had been revealed to the world after an EU representative was staked on live television. The assassination, spearheaded by a radical international hunter group, was the event that officially lifted the Veil—the word supernatural creatures use to describe the separation between humankind and the supernatural. It sent shock waves through not only human and vampire societies, but those of other supernatural creatures, as well. Tensions are high worldwide as humans warily navigate the world they were once familiar with possessing strange new knowledge that has thrown the supernatural balance into chaos. It was a literal bloodbath at first, with humans, vampires, and other supernaturals fighting for survival against each other out in the open in third- and second-world countries. First-world countries were not free from the bloodshed, either, but the warfare was usually more discreet. Official laws stated that so long as a vampire hadn't been proven to have harmed a human, it was not lawful to kill them—mostly because they were still tax-paying citizens. Communities already prone to strong prejudices found their new vampiric targets easy to blame for any and all societal ills. The situation was so bad in the beginning that if a human were so much as suspected of being a vampire, they could be found dead the next morning with a stake in their heart. Many vampires that held positions of authority were either forced to resign or outright killed by those seeking to keep the bloodsuckers out of their communities. Blame was not solely to place on humans, however. Various vampire factions tried in vain their own ways to keep repair the Veil, some more violent than others. With humans more wary out in the open than ever, many vampires began engaging in blood trafficking, the kidnapping and selling of humans as personal blood supplies. Others who fancied themselves more moral took to raiding blood banks or blood drive vehicles. Eventually, the violence slowed as more was understood about vampire kind and their impressive diversity. Several hundred "variations" of vampires were identified, all with differing abilities and weaknesses. Of course much of this knowledge was leaked to the public through hunter and slayer organizations, although more sympathetic humans took to leading the research efforts into how humans and the supernatural could coexist peacefully. Other supernaturals have seen this radical shifting of the Veil as an opportunity to come out of hiding, as well. Shifters, ghosts, demons, angels, various demigods and goddesses—all groups now have members "coming out" from behind the Veil to their family, friends, and neighbors. Whether such revelations will lead to a future of peace or peril is still not clear. [center][hr][hr][h1][color=crimson][b][i]The World[/i][/b][/color][/h1][hr][hr][/center] [color=gray][center][i][h2]The City of Redhaven[/h2] Population: 800,000[/i][/center][/color] Redhaven is a metropolitan city in the heart of Massachusetts with a bustling city center surrounded by typical New England suburbia. It manages to combine the community feel of its various neighborhoods with the anonymity that comes with a larger population, making it the ideal home for humans and supernatural alike. The city's rich colonial and magical history makes it a bastion of diversity in an unusual place, with supernatural creatures drawn to the area because of its strong magical energy. It is said that the ground beneath Redhaven was imbued with powerful magic in ancient times by a group of wandering shamans intending to create a safe haven for the gods. Inadvertently, they created a magnet for the supernatural. Colonial vampires saw the area as an ideal place to make their home and so Redhaven was founded and vampires across the colonies made their way to the rapidly growing settlement over the decades and centuries. Though they tried to encourage the growth of the human population to provide them with a steady supply of food, other supernatural creatures began to descend upon the sacred grounds, making the humans more superstitious and wary. As a result, the vampires had to fight back to keep them out, but it was impossible to hold them back forever. This territorial feud between the vampires of Redhaven and groups of other supernatural creatures still continues to the present day. Before the Veil was lifted, Redhaven was a tourist trap for supernatural fanatics from ghost hunters to those that had heard legends of real vampires making their lairs within the city. Now with concrete evidence of the supernatural, the city sees even more tourists, much to the dismay of its human residents and to the delight of its vampire population. [center][h2][color=indianred][i]Clans/Factions[/i][/color][/h2][/center] This section is just stock examples of various clans or factions your character could belong to. You do not have to pick one or you could make your own if you want! [color=indianred][b][h3]Humans[/h3][/b][/color] [hider=Every Men] [b][color=gray]The Every Men[/color] [i]General Alignment: Any[/i][/b] [list]Most humans have only a general factional alignment with humankind or only themselves. The average human would fall under this category.[/list] [/hider] [hider=Guard of the Holy Spirit] [b][color=gray]The Guard of the Holy Spirit[/color] [i]General Alignment: Any Lawful or Neutral[/i][/b] [list]This hunter organization was founded at the height of the Roman Empire as a means for eliminating the vampire threat in Rome. It is somewhat of a religious cult with members truly believing they are accomplishing the will of God and that the supernatural is something humanity must overcome by extinguishing it. Though the organization has stood the test of time, it is more fractioned now, but its headquarters still lies at the heart of the Catholic church with close ties to the Vatican.[/list] [/hider] [hider=Sympathizers] [b][color=gray]Sympathizers[/color] [i]General Alignment: Any Good or Neutral[/i][/b] [list]These humans want to coexist with their newly discovered supernatural neighbors as peacefully as possible. Whether someone who fancies themselves a "supernatural justice warrior" or someone who just views the whole situation as "live and let live," the sympathizers can be a diverse lot.[/list][/hider] [hr][color=indianred][b][h3]Vampires[/h3][/b][/color] [hider=Progenitors] [b][color=gray]The Progenitors[/color] [i]General Alignment: Any[/i][/b] [list]The Progenitors are the very first vampires that came into existence. None are quite sure how many of them there have been over the ages nor how they were created, for they were never human, nor were they born. Even the Progenitors themselves are left largely in the dark as to the reason for their existence or how they came to be, but they are the most powerful and oldest of vampire kind. Many of them were revered as gods or demons in cultures across the globe and though it is certain some still exist, there is no way of telling how many nor where they are.[/list] [/hider] [hider=Sardion] [b][color=gray]Sardion[/color] [i]General Alignment: Chaotic Evil[/i][/b] [list]An offshoot of the Veneni, Sardions believe their cultic order will give rise to the antichrist and trigger the end times. Therefore they behave as chaotically and cruelly as possible, in an attempt to end all suffering for good. This group split from the Veneni around the fall of Rome.[/list] [/hider] [hider=Old Owls] [b][color=gray]The Old Owls, “Orloks”[/color] [i]General Alignment: Any Neutral[/i][/b] [list]Most old vampires are old for a reason; they avoid human society as much as possible, feed inconspicuously and infrequently, and generally lead lonely existences of isolation in the wilderness. They’re generally very civil but don’t like to be bothered by outsiders. Occasionally they form small covens but more often live alone. This is largely a label placed upon them by outsiders; younger, socialized vampires teasingly perpetuate the names for the most part (particularly Orlok, referencing the 1922 silent film Nosferatu), some take pride in being peaceable old owls.[/list] [/hider] [hider=New Bloods] [b][color=gray]New Bloods[/color] [i]General Alignment: Any Lawful or Neutral[/i][/b] [list] The New Bloods are the newest generation of vampires that were turned anywhere from the 1940s to the present day. They do not belong to any real factional organizations, but are rather trailblazers seeking to make their own paths in a modern world that values individuality. Most of them are very familiar with modern technology, having grown up around it and blend in with human society the easiest, following the latest human trends due to their lingering ties to humanity freshly lost. Most older vampires look down upon vampires from this group as naive and foolish, but some respect their lifestyle, choosing to adopt it, as well.[/list] [/hider] [hr][color=indianred][b][h3]Werewolves/Shapeshifters[/h3][/b][/color] [hider=Úlfurstjórinn] [b][color=gray]Úlfurstjórinn[/color] [i]General Alignment: True Neutral[/i][/b] [list]A philosophical lifestyle pursued by some werewolves, originating in Scandinavia and being formalized by a small but long lived pack in Iceland. Úlfurstjórinn, or “wolf wanderer,” is the practice of pack hunting and a nomadic lifestyle, learning to survive in any environment by forming unbreakable brotherly bonds with one's kin.[/list] [/hider] [hider=Coercerians] [b][color=gray]Coercerians[/color] [i]General Alignment: Lawful Good/Neutral Good[/i][/b] [list]Coming from the Latin word for "restrain," the Coercere believe in trying their best to hold back the beast within, lest they become monsters in a literal and moral sense. Packs of Coercerians will often chain themselves up on full moons (or other times they are prone to transforming) in secluded areas within the wilderness or underground in order to prevent harming innocent humans.[/list] [/hider] [hr][center][h2][color=indianred][i]Abilities and Weaknesses[/i][/color][/h2][/center] [hr][color=indianred][b][h3]Vampires[/h3][/b][/color] [hider=Abilities] [b][color=gray]Typical Abilities[/color][/b] [i]These are abilities almost every vampire possesses[/i] [list][*]Enhanced Strength/Speed/Reflexes [*]Heightened senses (usually pertaining to hunting) [*]Night Vision [*]Compulsion [list][*]The ability to influence the thoughts, actions, and emotions of humans. Most vampires are limited in that they cannot compel a human to do something wildly out of their nature (i.e. murder, suicide, forget a loved one, etc). Vampires can almost always make a human forget an unpleasant memory (feeding, witnessing violence), implant a pleasant memory, or feel a pleasant/unpleasant emotion.[/list] [*]Enhanced healing ability (both for the self and other creatures if fed vampire blood)[/list] [b][color=gray]Extra Abilities[/color][/b] These are just examples of abilities you can choose. You don't have to pick any and you may make your own! [i]These are specialized abilities not every vampire possesses[/i] [list][*]Daylight Walking [*]Short Flight [*]Otherworldly Attraction [hider=Description] Vampires with Otherworldly Attraction naturally attract humans. This is different from merely having a pretty face and more akin to possessing pheremones that put humans around them in a state of ease. Humans find themselves naturally drawn to and trusting of vampires with this ability, however it ONLY works on humans, not any supernatural creatures.[/hider] [*]Predator Vision [hider=Description] Vampires with this ability are able to see the cardiovascular networks of humans and other non supernatural creatures under their skin within a distance of 50 meters. A very useful hunting ability and useful for quickly determining whether a creature appearing to be human is really something else. If a vampire concentrates hard enough, they can even see the beating hearts of humans and non supernatural creatures behind non magical walls at a maximum distance of 20 meters.[/hider] [*]Shadow Manipulation (May not choose this in conjunction with Blood Bending) [hider=Description] The ability to control the shadow world to some extent. Vampires with this ability may: temporarily enter the shadows; dematerialize into a dark mist; pull another being into the shadows for a short period of time[color=ed145b]*[/color]; create solid "tendrils" out of shadows that can physically interact with the world[color=ed145b]*[/color][/hider] [*]Blood Bending (May not choose this in conjunction with Shadow Manipulation) [hider=Description]The ability to control blood. Vampires with this ability may: cut themselves in order to allow a small amount of their blood to form into a solidified weapon originating from the cut point; temporarily control blood that has spilled from their bodies by turning it into spikes, grabbing tendrils, etc; command lost blood to reabsorb back into their body at a slow rate in order to mitigate damage; slightly control or hinder another creature's movements by concentrating on that creature's blood very hard[color=ed145b]*[/color]; command blood from the open wound of another creature to flow into the vampire's mouth at a slow rate[color=ed145b]*[/color] [/hider] [*]Leeching [hider=Description]So called "Leeches" are able to survive off the blood of other vampires and can temporarily gain abilities and weaknesses belonging to a vampire they feed from. Normally, drinking the blood of another vampire does nothing to quench one's thirst, but leeches can be fully satisfied from a pint of vampire blood.[/hider][/list] [color=ed145b]*[sub]These abilities require an extraordinary amount of exertion on the vampire's part. Neither a starving vampire nor an exceptionally young vampire are able to perform these specific feats (although they may possess the ability as a whole, just not these facets of it). Performing any of these feats will weaken the vampire tremendously until their next rest/feeding, so they should be used with extreme caution.[/sub][/color] [/hider] [hider=Weaknesses] [b][color=gray]Typical Weaknesses[/color][/b] [i]These are weaknesses that affect almost every vampire[/i] [list][*]Burning in sunlight (may or may not be deadly, but certainly incapacitating) [*]Paralysis when staked [*]Death upon beheading [*]Death upon the entire body being burned by any means [*]Desiccation as one starves [*]Susceptible to magic, especially necromancy[/list] [b][color=gray]Extra Weaknesses[/color][/b] These are just examples of weaknesses you may use. You have to have at least the normal weaknesses, but you don't have to have one of these and you can make your own! [i]These are specialized weaknesses that only affect some vampires[/i] [list][*]Must be invited into a home [*]Fear of religious symbols/injury caused by them when used as a weapon (blessed water burns the skin, rosaries can be used as restraints, etc) [*]Weakness to silver [*]Herbal weaknesses (aversion to and injury by certain herbs) [*]Inability to cross running water[/list] [/hider]