[h2]Mihama Nanako[/h2] To be honest, she felt a little guilty. She hadn't gone to class today. She'd claimed she was sick, and given she hadn't taken a sick day before now they'd believed her. But the truth was something completely different. The truth was that Mihama Nanako had a plan. Unfortunately, that plan had to unfold today, of all days. There wasn't really any way to get around it, she had to target the time of the month, the time of day, when her power as a magus was at its peak. That happened to be during the school day, today. So she didn't really have any choice. She couldn't really lie to herself and claim she wasn't nervous. The last time she'd attempted something like this... well... she didn't really like to think about it. But now, things were going to be different. She was going to summon a Servant! Nanako could barely contain her excitement at the prospect. She was really going to summon someone... she'd been trying to obtain a catalyst, but that was easier said then done. Nanako supposed that finding an ancient artifact tied to a specific heroic spirit was going to be pretty difficult, after all. Most of the day until now had been spent cleaning her apartment. It hadn't exactly been easy, not because her apartment was messy(it wasn't! It really wasn't!) but because locating a position to place the circle was kind of difficult. There wasn't a ton of room where she lived, and on top of that it wasn't really possible to make a circle on carpet. So she'd ended up settling for doing it in the kitchen. It was a little on the cramped side, she'd probably end up apologizing to whoever it was she managed to summon... But Nanako was still really excited! This time she was more prepared. Having to use chicken blood was a little gross, but for rituals like this some kind of sacrifice was usually required. If you couldn't fill it in with mana, you had to use something else. And Nanako was hardly a fountain of mana. She was sure she could sustain a Servant, but she didn't really have the means to fill out the ritual like that. And so chicken blood it was! As gross as it was to work with, spilling it all over her kitchen floor, onto the circle. Aaah... what historical figure would she summon? What were they going to be like!? Nanako had looked at other students at her school, those who had successfully summoned Servants already, and couldn't help but want the same kind of relationship. So she was going to make friends with whoever it was she summoned, no matter what! ... Well, maybe not if it was something like that creepy evil Caster that had to be taken out a month ago... She'd go right to the authorities if she got someone like that. But otherwise... She was going to make friends with them! Nanako tried to calm herself, however. She had to get this right. She had to take it seriously. Even though her heart was pounding in her chest, it was time. The brunette took a deep breath. She'd practiced the chant every night, just in case. "[i]Silver and iron to the origin...[/i]" She could already feel the mana flowing through her body. Nanako was certain... This time she'd succeed! [@PKMNB0Y]