[Center][h3][hr]✫° Feudal Japan °✫ [hr][/h3] ° Bonded by the Sword ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Foreign Female Main Male: Male Samurai Main Others: Male Samurai's Sister, Created/Played as Needed When he was in his early twenties, he worked for his parents with his younger sister, helping them run a small noodle shop in a relatively quiet town. As the town expanded and new 'districts' moved in, his parents fell into debt. Unable to pay the debt, they were killed. In the aftermath, he and his sister tried their best to keep the shop running, but didn't have much success. One day, his sister failed to return home from errands, and he went out looking for her but to no avail. When he returned after the sun went down, he found his sister, a bit scuffed, but well. With her was a foreign woman around his age. He learns from his sister that when she was running errands, two men from the red-light district tried to capture her for a 'debt', obviously made up. She managed to get away and ran into the foreign woman who offered to pay the debt when the men arrived. They humored her, but grew angry when she DID in fact have the insane amount they asked for. Suddenly, they both had 'debts'. To their misfortune, when they attempted to grab her, she put them both on the ground. She was a trained fighter and was able to get his sister home safely. To show his thanks, they offered her shelter and food in their small home. The next day, more men from the district arrive, and he attempts to protect them, but she ultimately has to join to save them both. He is amazed by her abilities, mostly because, since the moment he met her, he could see she was nearly blind. Before she can put her weapons away, he spots a symbol on one of her blades--it's the symbol of the deadliest clan in all of Japan. After finding out she is a deserter of her clan, she says she plans to leave and...it is probably best they find a new home as well. They know the district will come for them the moment she is gone, putting them both in danger. His sister, without skipping a beat, asks to go with her. She wants to be a handmaiden to the woman to help her when she can, given her sight. She even offers up her brother as a 'guard'. She seems indifferent to the idea, warning them that she is no safer to stay around due to her clan looking for her, but they don't care. So, for the next few years to follow, they travel with her, and he ends up learning from her how to fight, which makes him as deadly as many members of her clan. Through everything, he develops feelings for her, but he keeps them to himself, if only for one reason. His sister is in love with her, and had been since the moment she saved her. He'd known she was into girls from an early age and, even when she confirmed it, it was rarely spoken of. Not to family, not to friends, and not to the foreigner. Despite knowing his sister would never be able to be a lover to the woman, his love for his sister kept him from pursuing his own desires as well. Then came the night they were attacked by her clan and she went missing... Days later, they found her in a town nearby, having lost her memory due to an injury. She doesn't remember them or much about herself, so they end up living in the town where she's renting a house thanks to a helpful man from town. They plan to remain there until all of her memories return. The longer they stay, the more he realizes that something isn't right in the town and that many of the powerful figures have their sight on his friend, who he has sworn to protect at all costs.[/hider] ° Born by the Sword ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Foreign Woman Main Male: You Design Your Character. Main Others: Waring Forces, Created/Played as Needed She was a long way from home…or at least that’s what the two men thought when they found the foreigner unconscious near the river. She’d apparently fallen from the cliff above, yet somehow, she’d survived with only a head wound. When she awakens, three days later, she is in the brothel where a young girl has been tending to her. To the girl’s surprise, the woman is mostly blind. She’s also forgotten who she is. Despite that, she speaks Japanese fluently, as if it’s her first language. Once the lead mistress of the house realizes the woman is awake, she tells her she must either leave or work, to which she agrees to leave. On her way out, the owner demands payment for giving her shelter, and when she refuses due to lack of money, though promising to bring some later, he sends guards after her. The moment one grabs her, he is knocked to the ground by the woman, and when the other guard tries to help, she leaves him temporarily paralyzed as she walks away. On a bridge not far away, she collapsed from dizziness. Her head wound was not properly tended to. A man appears on the bridge not long after and is curious to see a foreign woman in clothing too small for her and bandages on her head. He doesn’t learn much from her on request, but when the young girl from the brothel appears to give the woman her belongings, she explains the situation, asking the man to take her to a doctor. The doctor tends to her wound properly and tells her that her memories should come back over time as they are triggered by events. During their stay, a woman, her bodyguard, and her maiden appear to pick up herbs. The woman is a very influential pawn in a game between the town’s (Biei) powerhouses… She is the mistress of a daimyo, a lord, who sought to rule over all of Amahara, the land in which Biei resided. Despite resistance from another group, one without royalty or as much power, and the magistrates who watched over the town trying to keep peace, they had the most power. The woman becomes immediately interested in the foreigner, telling her to stop by the castle where she lives the following day. Once she leaves, the doctor warns her that the woman is known to be dangerous and to be cautious in what she believes… The man, though not completely inclined to help the woman, ends up becoming part of her unraveling mysterious past, watching as the three sides of the city target her for their own purposes. They may not know who she is, but it’s clear that she no mere foreigner. ✫ Your character can be anything from Samurai, blacksmith, to really...whatever you like. The only requirement is that he be native to Japan.[/hider] [h3][hr]✫° Western °✫ [hr][/h3] ° ARMs of a Drifter ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Blind Eyed Gunner Main Male: Wealthy 'Wannabe' Drifter Main Others: Created/Played as Needed He was raised rich, pampered, spoiled, and without any true understanding of the world. The only concept he did grasp, to some degree, was that there were ‘drifters’ in the world; people who traveled the land, taking odd jobs, helping the public, and generally trying to make a name for themselves outside the norm. Becoming a drifter wasn’t easy, as many tried and failed to establish themselves. However, as a teenager, he learned of a young drifter known as ‘Blind Eyed Gunner’, which set his dreams in motion. She was the #1 drifter of all drifters—a legend among legends. Because of the stories of her adventures, he wanted to become a drifter. He wanted to travel, see the world, make a name for himself that wasn’t simply tied to his wealth and family name. He wanted to be his own person. So, he packed up and headed out. By the third city, he realized he wasn’t quite sure where he was going, but was still making forward momentum. Unfortunately, his lack of worldly understanding tended to shoot him in the foot more than once, but even so, he pressed on… Then came the day he was boarding one more train to travel further into the land, only to learn that his room on the train had been given to someone of a wealthier standing, and being he wasn’t using his family name to get by, he had to let it go, if slightly begrudgingly. Lucky for him, another traveler in the back of the train is willing to share their room. He’s not thrilled, but he takes what he can get. Upon entrance, he immediately recognizes the figure sitting within as the legendary Blind Eyed Gunner. She isn’t social, but it’s still a thrill to him. Come night, Gunner is alerted to something happening on the train, and, not wanting to be left in the dust, he follows her to the top where they get into a temporary battle with rebel bandits. Though she lets most of them escape, their following actions will cause a chain of events that will tie the wannabe drifter to the legendary one as they seek out needed answers.[/hider] ° Glint of a Barrel ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Blind Eyed Gunner Main Male: Wanted Criminal Main Others: Created/Played as Needed In his early days, he turned to crime as the easiest way to make a living. He was rough, tough, but still a bit moral bound. Sure, he’d beat a man to near death, possibly even permanently disfigure him, but outside of people trying to kill him, he did his best not to kill bystanders. He also refused to indulge or allow his men to indulge in rape. Sadly, that didn’t make his wanted posters change by much. When he abandons his gang after a large dispute between him and his right-hand man about their ‘rights’, he heads off alone and the gang does a 180* in any ‘good’ they had in them. So, when he’s captured months later after a drunken brawl in a small town, he’s put in jail, told he’d be hanging in the morning for his group activity. Apparently, they’d raided and slaughtered an entire city, leaving no survivors. Given he isn’t part of the gang, he refuses to hang for their mistakes and manages to get free and head out of town into a neighboring field. In the moonlight, he spots a stallion, which he assumes means the owner is sleeping somewhere in the rocks. As he grabs for the horse, planning to use it to make an escape, he’s hit on the back of the head and knocked unconscious. When he awakes, tied and bound to a pole in an old abandoned barn, he sees a woman smoking in the shadows. When she finally approaches and lifts her hat, he sees a single white eye looking down at him. Immediately, he knows her to be ‘Blind Eyed Gunner’, a famous bounty hunter that is a legend among legends. She tells him that his old gang destroyed her city, one where she was known to reside as a ‘secondary home’. She is aware he’s not part of the gang, so she won’t hold THAT against him, however, she does expect his compliance. While she knows she can, sooner or later, hunt down his gang that has gone into hiding, she knows it could go a bit quicker with his help. So, she offers him two choices… He can either help her find his old gang, get half the reward money, and be set free…or he can return to the town he escaped from and she’ll personally see that he hangs in the morning…[/hider] ° Hot Fangs ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Blind Eyed Gunner Main Male: Undead Creature of your choosing Main Others: Created/Played as Needed The west had been a generally calm…until the undead came to town. Literally, the undead. Creatures of all type began appearing, one by one. At first, the humans were able to stand their ground, but as more popped up and the creatures became more violent, the humans were forced to retreat. For the most part, the day was safe. The majority of creatures couldn’t stand being in the sun, which meant only the strongest of creatures could roam freely at all times, though they knew better than to announce themselves in large crowds. Only a few humans were strong and wise enough to battle the undead, one being a female known as Blind Eyed Gunner. She’d been fighting since the start, and only grew more capable as time went on. Her smart wits and quick reflexes made it easy for her to engage even larger groups, but it seemed she was more focused on protecting innocent people in comparison to protecting herself. After managing to chase away a large group of ‘crawlers’, a man approaches her the next day asking her to assist him and his town. They are being attacked by a specific type of creature and he thinks she could be their savior. In reality, he is a creature in disguise, hoping to fool her into helping his kind win a battle against the creatures they detest. Due to her awareness, she knows this is the case, but decides to except in order to learn more, both about his enemy and about who he and his kind are.[/hider] [h3][hr]✫° Pirates °✫ [hr][/h3] ° Davy Jones's Treasure ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Treasure Hunter Main Male: Davy Jones Main Others: Scholar The storm came out of nowhere, and the dark ship erupted from the sea, taking over a lone pirate ship. The crew is immediately overwhelmed and the captain confronted by a man no one wants to meet and only some truly believe exist at all… Davy Jones tells the captain that he has something in his possession that belongs to him and expects him to hand it over. Scared for his life, he leads the man down into the belly of his ship, passed many tied up captives, and into a private room where a beautiful woman sits, her ankle chained to a chair. “I warned him…” She says with a smile. Due to a contract between the woman’s deceased father and Davy Jones, she belongs to him, and is set to marry him should she be unable to discover the truth behind her father’s death. While she has more or less excepted that they will end up together, she also knows she’ll be able to continue looking for answers after that time passes. Despite that, she still continues the search. Davy Jones doesn’t quite grasp why she tries so hard, but continues to monitor her, helping her when she ends up in a bind. He is quite obsessed with her and likes to make it clear that her time is running out… He becomes rather enraged when he learns that she allows a man on her boat, more or less a stowaway trying to escape punishment. He is a scholar, of sorts, who likes to research magic and study the unknown. Having heard that she is the daughter of the legendary treasure hunter, he is inclined to stay around and study her activities with the supernatural. In the eyes of Davy Jones, this man is a threat, as he does not want the affection of his possession to fall on anyone else.[/hider] ° Legends at Sea ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Treasure Hunter Main Male: Criminal Pirate Main Others: Created/Played as Needed In his twenties, he was the pirate to fear. Seeing him on the horizon meant preparing to run or preparing to die. Then one mistake sent him straight to the worst prison the Navy had, where he was left alive, but malnourished, to rot and die a slow death. For the first few years, he had hope of escape, but by ten years, he lost hope, and by twenty, he was about ready to lie down and die…if not for his stubbornness that refused to let him. About mid-day, he hears commotion as the navy brings down a new group of captives. He scoffs, knowing none of them will ever see the light of day again, unless it’s to hang. In all the years, not a single person has ever made an escape. Each new captive is shoved into a cell, often with others to make their stay even more uncomfortable. No one is ever put in his cell though, as they want him alone and feel death by another inmate wouldn’t be satisfactory. To his surprise, a single person is led down to his area of the dungeon. She’s a beautiful young woman who has clearly done some damage to the man guiding her, given his high-pitched voice. Once inside the cell next to him, he listens as she annoyingly taps her heel and seems to be examining things. Without warning, she walks to the cell bars between them and asks if he’d steal a ship if she got him out and take them off the island. Would he? Of course! Will it happen? He thinks not. Then, to his utter shock, she manages to not only disable the guard but get out of her cell. Once free, he follows her, noting a few odd things about her as they get to the ships in the rear of the island where they make their escape. It becomes quite clear, quite quickly, that the woman is well known, where as his legend has been nearly forgotten, and she is quite wealthy. After she buys him a new ship and he finds a new crew, she tells him that she plans to travel with him until hers is found. Curious as to who she truly is, he allows it. What he doesn’t realize is by allowing her into his life, he is about to enter a world of curses and legends he never knew existed.[/hider] ° Treasure that Be ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Treasure Hunter Main Male: Pirate (or) Rival Treasure Hunter Main Others: Created/Played as Needed His goal had been to find the greatest treasure the sea could give, and he would stop at nothing. He was well known as a powerful, handsome man, someone that people either worked for to have the glory or due to the fear of refusal. With his new goal set to find the legendary Island of Angels, he knows he'll need all the help he can get, be it willingly or by force. When at a bar one night, he's surprised to see a woman who wears the mark of an old treasure hunter of legend--a man said to be able to see treasure just by looking at a map due to a secret eye... When he finds out she is his only heir, and picks up rumor that she may have the same eye, he decides to approach and ask if she'd like to join. To his surprise, she's not like most women who fall for his charm, and refuses him without batting an eye... Then again, her father had been known for his attractive appearance, and it's clear the apple didn't fall far from the tree, but her demeanor is another word. Unlike her father, she is cold and uninviting. With pride stung and rejection looming over his head, he lets her walk away without another word. Later that night, he learns from the bartender that her ship is lost (again) and so she's been hanging around for a few days. With this knowledge, he decides to go for plan B on his desire for her assistance. With the help of some of his crew, they manage to kidnap her from her room that night and sail away. When he demands she show him the correct course to the island, she refuses, clearly unfazed. His attempts to scare her into submission fail, and it's only on his last try when he shows her the map does he realize her eye is activating. Whenever her eyes fall on the map, her pupil dilates, and lines begin to appear in the reflection of the map, marking spots where treasure can be found... Realizing that this will only go two ways, either having her eyes forced open to look at maps for them to mimic, or her to simply assist, she finally chooses to assist, but makes it clear they won't get there as fast as they hope, as there are things needed in order to enter the Island of Angels... Despite her assistance, he keeps her shackled to ensure she doesn't attempt an escape. Part of him doesn't trust that she is truly leading him to where he desires to go, but, in reality, she knows far more about the destination than he realizes.[/hider] [h3][hr]✫° Arabian °✫ [hr][/h3] ° Anubis's Mistress ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Sacrifice Main Male: Kidnapper Main Others: Anubis Long ago, Anubis appeared before a village that was dying of disease and hunger. The leader offered the God anything he desired in exchange for saving his people and bringing life back to his village. Though Anubis feels the village is unworthy of such a gift, he can see the strength in the man to survive even the worst conditions. It is this strength that he seeks to achieve one of his ultimate goals. In exchange for his assistance, he tells the man that he will place a spell on his family to hold the life of another mystic being. Though it will take generations born to the family, one day, they will give birth to what will become his future bride. It will cause the death of her birth mother, to give her life to strengthen the child. The child must be protected until grown. When the time is right, he will send his minions to take her from her village and bring her to the underworld. Generations it does take, but the agreement is never forgotten, written in stone within the walls of the leader's home. When the child is finally born, it is clear and they begin preparation to ensure her protection. Although the village is happy to see the union through, many others are not. Many fear what the union will create and seek to end the life of what they consider a 'sacrifice' to Anubis. Twenty years after her birth, Anubis sends word that his men will come for her. When a man appears, dressed in bandages, the village turns over Anubis's bride and see them off. It doesn't take long for the woman to question why the man is pretending to be one of Anubis's men, when clearly, he is not... In truth, the man is an assassin who was sent to lead her away and end her life. However, he was not prepared for not only her power, but her determination. More so, he begins to feel bad for her when he learns that her life had been wasted, locked away inside her home. She had no desire to betray Anubis, but she desired to see at least some of the land before she begins her life in the world below it.[/hider] ° In Your Hands ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Mystic (Genie) Main Male: Leader Main Others: Created/Played as Needed His dream was to conquer everything he saw. He'd slaughtered his own father to take his army. He'd deceived and betrayed kings to take what was once theirs. He was an intelligent man, able to weave a path to place him at the top. A dark and selfish desire drove him, but would ultimately be his undoing. When faced against one of the more powerful armies that existed in the nation, his men were defeated and he was forced to retreat. Over and over, his attacks and strategies failed, leading him to lose more and more of his men. Soon, they were forced to huddle in their camp out in the desert, struggling to get by. After a fierce battle with a small army that attempted to drive him back, even with victory under his belt, he could tell his men were tired. To relax them, a night of celebration began. Nearing the end, an old man would wander into their camp, resulting in him being attacked and dragged to the leader. The leader, curious as to why the man is there, warns him that he will most likely not leave alive. The man is silent. It's then he notices the man is clutching a bag and requests he hands it over. The old man finally speaks and tells him that he cannot have the item. One must be worthy to have such an item. Annoyed that the old man would even fathom that HE was unworthy of anything, he brought the man's life to a swift end. To his surprise, the man died with a smile on his face. Inside the bag the man clutched so tightly, even in death, was a unique artifact that contains an orb with mist twirling within. After sending away the body with his men so that he can examine his treasure, the mist suddenly releases into the room. Lighting strikes inside the tent and the mist gathers, taking the form of a beautiful woman. She explains that she is a genie who her old master has decided to gift him in his death. Though rules apply, to which she goes over, his wishes can be endless. The only requirement to keep her as a faithful servant is to ensure her lamp remains only in his hand. Should anyone else take it, his ownership will be lost.[/hider] ° Desert Curse ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Cursed Woman Main Male: Caravan Leader Main Others: Created/Played as Needed One late evening, as a roaming caravan prepares to depart the outskirts of a quiet town where they had rested, commotion erupts. The leader, a strict and somewhat unkind man, is called to the rear cart where a thief has been captured. Three of his men are injured in their original attempt to subdue the thief. It is ceremonial that the leader removes the head or hand of those who attempt to take what is his. Upon arrival to the scene, he is surprised to see a woman. She isn’t just any woman, but one who appears foreign to the land, with eyes of white, indicating possible blindness. Her limbs are all bound by cuffs made of solid gold, which tell him she is most likely an escaped slave from someone of power… When he questions why she would attempt to steal from him, she responds simply with ‘I like gold…’. Something about her intrigues him, and he believes she would be better suited working in his caravan than running around without her hand. The idea seems to displease her, and she warns him that he will only be putting him and his people in danger; the idea of which he ignores and orders her to be loaded into the lead cart with him. Bound by her ankles and wrists, she sits in silence as they travel, the night coming over the land. As the moon begins to show, she become clearly agitated, mumbling under her breath that the moon cannot touch her… Her rambling is ignored, if for no reason other than the figures the leader spots standing at the top of a neighboring dune. Numerous men on horseback attack the caravan, and the leader and his men fight back, but they are severely outnumbered. Just as the leader realizes he is about to be stabbed by one of the attackers behind him, the foreign woman tackles the man to the ground. Without so much as a word, she bites down and rips out his throat. The moment the other attackers turn to look, she attacks, moving quicker than possible for a human. Her attack is animalistic, and her eyes now seem to glow brightly in the night. Any man who doesn’t run, is torn down, limbs ripped from their body, and she even seems to begin feasting on one. As the leader approaches cautiously, her gaze falls on him and they stare silently upon one another. Then, in an instant, she lunges in his direction, only to be thrown back as chains of gold erupt from the sand, grabbing onto her limbs. As she screams and fights for her freedom, the eldest of the caravan approaches and tells the leader of a legend that has been passed down for centuries… A woman who is cursed by a powerful creature, who can only be freed by the light of the moon. He has known of this creature for quite some time, but never expected to meet it face to face… Thankfully, his years of magical research allowed him the knowledge needed to hold the beast at bay. He warns the leader it is best to simply let her remain in the sand until morning, where the sun will free her of the chains. The monster inside of her will continue to kill whatever it deems a threat, which includes the leader and his caravan… The leader refuses to even consider it… He firmly believes that all beasts can be tamed, but that he must simply start by taming the beast who gives the monster a place to reside.[/hider] [h3][hr]✫° Modern °✫ [hr][/h3] ° The Summoning ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Human Main Male: Demon Main Others: Created/Played as Needed Life was complicated and always had been. Nonetheless, she worked herself up from the ground and managed a secretary job in one of the biggest companies in New York City. For some, this would be glamorous. For her, however, it was an agitation and a reminder of how sexist and cruel the world was. She was beyond qualified for higher positions, even CEO, but due to her shy disposition and her lack of concern for her appearance, she was always overlooked for promotions or better positions in the company. Even worse, she felt bullied and harassed by her co-workers as well as underappreciated. During a crisis in the company, where their entire business might crumble due to a competitor, the owner turns to his employees with a proposition. Anyone who can come up with a plan that will save the business will be given a spot in the highest office. The competition is open to everyone in the building and so they begin to storm. Knowing that she'll be ignored, she chooses to work long nights alone to come up with the perfect plan to not only gain that seat but to show her worth in the company. On the day the proposals are due, she finds hers missing from her desk, throwing her into a panic. A week passes before the owner announces the winner and tells of their plan. Her plan. One of her biggest annoyances in work had stolen her plan and submitted it as his own, but, of course, no one believes her. She takes a walk of shame home, angered and on the verge of tears. If for no other reason than a distraction, she decides to detour into a newly opened shop that seems to specialize in incense and other spiritual Nik-Naks. While browsing, the owner can see the sorrow in her face and offers her some tea in the back. Upon learning of what happened to her, she tells her that she can help--that she knows a man who can assist her. She tells her to just sign a piece of paper and to leave her number and he'll get in touch. In her head, she believes she's going to be contacted by a businessman who might offer her a job. Little does she realize, she's about to get a lot more than that... Come morning, she awakens feeling...different... There is a bottle of alcohol by her bed, something quite common in her life, so she doesn't think much of her blurry memory. However, when she notices a man in her bed looking at her, she hits the floor screaming. After a moment of calm can pass, the man explains they didn't do anything and that he's simply been waiting for her to wake up after her night of alcohol. He introduces himself as the man that would be in contact with her, furthering his explanation with a casual mention that he's from the underworld and she sold her soul. Normal day-to-day stuff. Willing or not, there is no way to undo it, however...that doesn't mean he isn't there with a reason. He must help her achieve her dreams, which are getting to the top and destroying her enemies--his words. With a bit of work on her self-esteem and a wardrobe change, plus some makeup, he's able to turn the shy little woman into a sex-bomb in heels. For the next while, he plans to join her at work, though whether people can see him or not is up to him. All the while he works from the shadows, their opinions on revenge differ, leading him to remind her that, though he is helping, she belongs to him and should not press her luck.[/hider] ° Dark Sights ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Female Psychic Main Male: Demonic Entity Main Others: Male Psychic She was born with Psychic abilities, in the sense she had been seeing ghosts since she was young. Through trial and error, she'd learned not to disclose this secret to just anyone, though her best friends, now that she was an adult, were well aware of her ability. In fact, they loved it and often wanted to drag her around to see if weird things would happen since ghosts often were drawn to her. The only person in her life that didn't believe her was her long-term boyfriend. He never had and he never would. Such was life. She had learned not to judge people for their lack of belief. Who was she to judge the concept of someone not believing in what they couldn't see? One night, her friends drag her to an old abandoned farmhouse. They heard rumors of a ceremonial sacrifice have taken place there years earlier. While they searched the house and premise, she would spot a small girl standing beside the barn. This entity would point to the door, telling her that what she sought was in there. Upon entering, she has visions of dark and evil things. Sacrifices, death, and a dark shadow running toward her. Her friend would grab her, startling her out of it, and they would head home. The sensation she had felt left her immediately, but it wouldn't be gone for long. Once home, strange things begin to happen and she feels the dark air of something evil. The summoned demonic entity from the barn has attached to her. The longer she tries to ignore him in hopes he leaves, the more he lashes out. He attacks her friends, attempts to kill her boyfriend, driving a wedge between them, and begins to assault her as well (physically/sexually). As everyone in her life leaves, she is forced to finally confront the demonic entity and learns that it seeks to become alive and requires her help to find the perfect body. She has no intention to help, but when out in an attempt to surround herself with others, a man approaches her. He too is psychic and can see the shadow looming over her. Even though the entity is not there, he can tell that something is amiss. Almost immediately, she can tell by how he approaches that he shares her gift and confides in him the problem. He offers to help and, after preparing, goes with her to her house to try and force the demonic entity out, only for it to backfire. Instead of sending it back to hell, it sends itself into him, taking full control of his mortal body.[/hider] ° The Jester ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Human Main Male: Demon Main Others: Created/Played as Needed Halloween was a busy night at the club where she worked. People came in and out, some in costumes, some in slutty outfits that may or may not have been costumes. People drank, people laughed, people went home... As for her, she got off her shift around midnight after they had finished closing the club. After turning down a ride home with the intention of walking to clear her head after such a crazy shift, she says goodbye to her coworkers and begins to walk. It's quiet out, a bit misty, and a few people are walking around still, many of who are in half-assed costumes. As she turns onto another street, she spots three men standing under a streetlight. Two are barely even dressed, but have candy bags, better known as pillow cases, in their hands. The third man, however, is on point with his red and yellow joker costume, which is almost like a suit. His mask hides his face and, with the top hat and cane, he is quite the site. After performing some basic magic tricks for the men and being applauded, he gives them both a piece of candy and they walk away. Before she can even begin to move again, the Jester's head snaps in her direction. He bolts toward her, but she holds her ground and stops. She wasn't worried. No. He was most likely just wanting to perform for her too, which he does after a silent greeting. No words are said by him as he begins to perform the similar magic tricks he had for the other men, to which she would applaud. When she attempts to continue, he stops her, now performing more tricks. Since she plans to walk home, she nods to him to let him know he can continue. This time, the tricks are a bit darker. Even so, she claps... Then he begins another routine, one even more unnerving, and if not for the crazy people she'd dealt with during her years working the bar, she probably would have been a lot more concerned by his show. Again, she claps, and he offers her candy. With a thanks, she takes it and heads off. When nearly at the end of the street, she looks back and sees the jester staring at her, but then he turns and walks away. Rounding the corner, she notices how much the mist is beginning to impair her vision and decides to take the last bus home if she can catch it. She runs down the road and slows as she nears the bus stop, barely able to see beyond the mist. However, as the bench for the bus stop begins to appear in the mist, she notices two men in clown costumes sitting around. They were the clown costumes people had taken to wearing to scare others. She'd seen and met a few of those people, and they had always been harmless, but something told her that she wasn't safe. This was only furthered when they noticed her. Perhaps walking was still a good idea... Crossing the street as if she simply was heading in that direction, she hoped it would be the end, but she could hear them following. She didn't look back, she just walked faster...and so did they. Soon she would run and they would chase. Turning blindly onto what she thought was a new street, she would end up in an alley. Due to her sore feet and the heels she wore, she would tumble onto the hard cement. Just as she regains herself and looks back, she finds the two men entering the alley, one drawing a knife... Then the unexpected happened. The one at the entrance of the alley would hit the wall as the Jester appeared, effortlessly beating him into submission...and then repeating it to the next man as the knife is swung in his direction. Afterwards, he approaches the woman and crouches down next to her. Her hand is bleeding from the fall, so he takes it. At first, she assumes he is concerned and plans to wrap it, but then he places a card on her hand--the Joker. He uses his own hand to squeeze it tightly, staining it in her blood. She can feel a burn that feels unnatural. Taking the card, he places it in his pocket, tips his hat, and heads off, whistling to himself. It's only once he's gone that she looks at her hand, finding the injury to have vanished. Once home, she washes and heads straight to bed. Early morning, she is startled awake by the sound of someone in her kitchen. She hurries to grab the bat under her bed and heads out, her steps slow and cautious. The noises continue all the way to the kitchen entrance, only for it to go silent and the kitchen to be empty when she enters. Assuming she might have been hallucinating due to her sleeping medicines, she decides to go back to bed and not worry about it. Then she turns the corner and heads into the hall, only to find the Jester standing there. In reality, the Jester is a demon. When he saved her life, she became indebted to him. The card he used marked her as a minion to his cause. Until she pays off her debts, assisting in his bargaining with other humans, she will not be able to escape him.[/hider] ° Help Me ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Psychic Main Male: Innocent accused Main Others: Created/Played as Needed From the moment she was born, she had a special gift. She often laughed and reacted to things that were not present, even talking to things that her parents couldn't see once old enough to speak. She would tell him of people who were visiting the house, including deceased relatives she never had the chance to meet. At first, they try to silence her, believing it all to be a child's wild imagination and that everything was just a coincidence. As it became more constant and paranormal things began to happen, they called on an old family friend who dabbled in the spiritual occult. Through her, they learned of their daughter's ability to see and speak with the dead. Because her parents were open-minded and didn't want harm to come to their daughter, they helped nourish and strengthen her gift. With help and special instructions from their friend, their daughter would come to master her ability. Unfortunately, while her training kept her safe from the spirits who communicated with her, it didn't save her from the living. From a very young age, she was picked on in school, bullied mercilessly. She was called a freak and almost every name under the sun. One boy specifically went out of his way to make her life hell. His actions would lead her parents to pull her out of school after her first year of high school to let her learn from home. By eighteen, the spirits who visited her would begin to ask her for help. Victims of murder would request she find their body to finally give peace to their families. Others wanted the killer announced to help drive the police in the correct direction. By twenty, she had begun a small business from home to work with people who wanted to communicate with deceased loved ones. By twenty-five, she became a known name with the local police department, assisting in many of their unsolved crimes. Having never left home, when her parents lost their lives in a car crash, she took over the farm attached to it. Half her days were spent tending to the fields and the other working with people who needed her help. It was hard to pay the bills, but she managed to scrape by. Then came the day when she returned home from work and noticed a woman sitting at her table. Without a word, she makes herself tea and then sits across from her. The woman is dead, this much she knows. So, she asks how she can help. The woman tells her that she was murdered only two months ago and her husband has been accused of the crime. She knows her killer was not her husband and seeks to have her husband freed and the killer put behind bars. Something ends up bugging her. The woman seems to be hiding something. When pushed, the woman finally reveals her name and the name of her husband. It doesn't sit well. The woman is a woman she had once known in middle school...and her husband is the man who bullied her for many years. Despite the grudge she holds against the man, she decides not to hold it against the woman either and agrees to help. Using the rest of her savings, she bails the husband out of jail. At first, he doesn't recognize her, but once she tells him her name, he becomes angry. He immediately accuses her of trying to make a fool of him. He still doesn’t believe in her abilities. He wants her to leave him alone. Having been warned that this might be the outcome, she digs into her pocket and reveals a necklace to him without a word. She tells him she knows that he got his wife this necklace after she had a miscarriage...and that they kept it in a safe, in the garage, within a freezer. Although the man still doesn't want to believe what she says, it's hard to find any other explanation for how she knew about the necklace. Not even their family had known about it...or he miscarriage. Reluctantly, he agrees to listen, and ultimately agrees to help her track down the man who killed his wife. She knows they will butt heads and be at each other's throats, but she also knows she is not doing this for him, but for his deceased wife and the many other victims.[/hider] ° Hunted ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: FBI Agent Main Male: Double Agent Main Others: Created/Played as Needed After a massive, and successful, sting on a human trafficking ring, she and her team go out and celebrate. After a night of partying, they head home. On her way, a large van hits her motorcycle at an intersection, sending her flying into a ditch. When she awakens, she's chained up in a basement...somewhere. After the sting of the group, what remained of it took action. The woman isn't a pushover and will fight until she dies. Unfortunately, they want her alive. After a few days in captivity, she meets a man who is supposed to transport her. In reality, he's a double agent from another agency based out of the USA. He needs to her be patient. To best bring down the human trafficking group, they need to do it from the inside. He'll do everything he can to keep her safe, but she needs to remain captive so that they can better learn the truth and find just how deep the seedy organization goes. [/hider] [h3][hr]✫° Roman °✫ [hr][/h3] ° Rome's Tranquil Blade ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Female Twin Main Male: Prized Gladiator/Fighter Main Others: Owners of both Fighters and male Twin As a child, she'd traveled around with her brother after their parent's deaths. They never stayed in one place long, mostly due to harassment and other types of dangers. Despite visual impairment, her brother never abandoned her to make life easier on himself. Perhaps it was simply their close bond. They were twins, and it was often said that twins were closer than the average siblings. As they got older, her brother became ill, growing weaker as the years past. By their early twenties, he'd become bedridden and they finally made permanent residence in a small village bordering the Roman Empire. No longer able to get out of bed without struggling, he relied heavily on his sister to tend to him. Unfortunately, there was only so much she could do when the Roman army stormed the village and began burning it to the ground. Unwilling to leave her brother, they were both captured by the forces and were one of a handful from the village who were spared death and instead sent back to Rome. While her brother was sent to fight and die in the arena, she would be sent to a brothel where a man would appear that same day to purchase her as a personal slave. However, to her surprise, he takes her to her brother who paid the man to free her. The soldier ends up taking her to live in his home as a maid and her brother takes to the Arena. To the surprise of many, he swiftly cuts down the enemies and continues to grow stronger as the battles continue. In time, he becomes a famous name in Rome and is also purchased by the same guard who freed his sister. Another fighter, one who sits at the top of the chain, is very interested to fight this man. When given a chance by his own owner to speak with the guard who owns him, he meets the fighter's sister and takes immediate interest. Though she says she has no interest, he lets it be known he does not plan to give up. He is used to getting whatever he wants, and sees her refusal as another battle to win. After learning that her brother is the fighter, and a twin at that, he decides to have a word with him. Perhaps if he can work out a deal with the brother, he can earn the admiration of the sister. After his fight, he ignores the man's rambling. Since the beginning, he'd refused to speak to anyone other than his owner. He'd even taken the nickname as the 'Mute Warrior of Rome'. After being brushed off by the fighter, he grows agitated and decides to ambush him in the bathing chamber provided for the tougher fighters. If he can rough him up, maybe he'll learn his place and tell him what he wants to know in order to win his sister's affection. Throwing open the door, sword drawn, he prepares to attack, only to go still and silent at what he sees. Standing in the bath is not the fighter, even though it is. The male he thought he'd find is not before him, but instead the sister who has been battling in his place since they arrived in Rome. He had done everything to protect her growing up and now she was doing the same, even at the risk of her own life. ✫ How your character uses this information is up to you. We will build as we go along.[/hider] ° A General's Affair ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Empress Main Male: General Main Others: Spartan King, Created/Played as Needed He was the powerful general of the Spartan Army and a very close friend with the King. When word of the Roman Emperor's death, his men are assembled to attempt an invasion while the city is in mourning. They are aware that the Emperor had a child and they worry that he may take the throne before their arrival, which appears to be the case when they finally arrive. The deceased Emperor had been cruel and ruled with an iron fist, which meant his army had been just as ruthless. In fear of lingering trap, the General offers to take a few of his men to the palace to speak directly with the new Emperor. Upon arrival, they are led to a room full of guards. It appears to be a trap and his men prepare to fight...and most likely die. However, to their surprise, they are not attacked and simply asked to wait. So, they do, if somewhat uneasy about it. When the doors open and the announcement is made of the arrival of the Emperor, the General believes he misheard the man, having first heard 'Empress'. It's only moments later that he realizes that he did not mishear what was announced. The deceased Emperor never had a son, but instead had a daughter. It was nothing but a tale to make forces weary. His daughter, suffering from visual impairment, was not the ideal candidate to take the throne without a husband, but due to her father's untimely death, that is exactly what came to be. Her beauty is immense and her voice gives away that she is much kinder than her father. She is willing to listen to the General and the word of his king. Surrender or face war. She responds by telling him that war will be raged, but should Rome begin to fall, she will surrender in order to protect her people at all cost. In doing so, the game begins...and Rome falls. Upon surrendering to protect Rome, the Spartan King arrives. Her beauty enchants him as it had many others, and he offers a deal. Become his wife and he will not only spare her life, but see to it that Rome is not destroyed under his rule. Though less than ideal, she agrees knowing that her army cannot win and only more death will come by refusing, including her own. After marriage, the king keeps his word as the new Emperor. While he too is as cruel as her father was, he puts the forces together to fight to win territory. Although she has not shown any signs of deceit or any acts of betrayal, when not with her, he has ordered his leading General to stay at her side to ensure she does not do anything suspicious. To what would be his dismay, by doing so, he has created an entirely new problem. His general admires the Empresses approach to problems, both to keep her Empire in power and to protect it at the same time. In time, this admiration turns to lust and he must choose between his own desires and those of his King.[/hider] ° My Lady's Heart ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Empress Main Male: Servant of Spartan Prince Main Others: Emperor and Spartan Prince He was the childhood friend and loyal servant of the Spartan Prince. As a child, he had been driven away as an outcast from his own village due to his brilliant white hair and deep blue eyes. Though these colors were far from unusual in the world, it was very rare to see on a man of such dark skin, leading many to believe he was cursed. After traveling to another town with a small Caravan, he is spotted by the young prince who has similar features to his own. This bloodline is one of the royal family, and though he is not a direct descendant of Royalty, his appearance is enough that the young prince wishes to be his friend. This friendship lasts for many years to follow. As an adult, he remains the ever doting and loyal servant of his dearest friend and prince. When he learns that the prince is to meet the Empress of Rome to speak of marriage to join forces, he is very happy for him. He's even happier to know that his friend wants him to accompany him to Rome, for he is nervous of the meeting. His father, the king, has met the empress and spoke highly of her beauty, but he is unsure. Upon arrival, both men are stunned at the sight of the Empress who greets them both kindly. The prince, having been warned of her impaired sight, doesn't question her white eyes, but his servant is mesmerized by them. While the royalty goes off to speak to one another, the prince asks that his friend keep the empress entertained while his away, to which he agrees. In turn, she shows him the royal garden that she has been tending to for years... Over the course of the time that they reside in Rome, he spends a great deal of time with the Empress as her father gives tours to the King and Prince, working through responsibility that comes with the marriage. It's not long before he realizes just how happy he is around the Empress and how sad he becomes inwardly when his friend speaks of his excitement to marry her and how happy he seems to be when he interacts with her. When they finally take their leave to return to their own kingdom, a marriage date set, the Empress gifts all of them with a small token of appreciation. To the servant, she gives a box of sweets, telling him that tradition does not allow them to be shared with others less one wishes ill fortune upon those the share with. Due to the prince and king's superstitious beliefs, neither wish to partake despite his offering later... Once home, he eats the sweets over the next few days, only to find a letter at the bottom. In it, the Empress speaks of how she enjoyed her time with him and how she wished he could have stayed longer. After that, he decides to write back, and soon the two begin to speak through letters over the next year, something he decides to hide form his friend. Upon their return to Rome to Prepare for the marriage, he is very happy to see the Empress once more. Soon it is clear that there is something between them deeper than just dear friends, and it is something that could create a rift in the friendship of his most trusted companion. The only thing that hurts him more is realizing that the woman he loves will soon marry someone else... Will he risk an affair to be close to the woman he loves at the risk of losing his closest friend, or will he push her away in order to protect the both of them? *If you'll humor me, I do have a specific idea of what I want the servant to look like.[/hider] ° Rome's Blade ° [hider=Click Here for Info] Main Female: Empress Main Male: Gladiator/Slave Main Others: Emperor and Suitor/Scholar She was the daughter of the Emperor. In title, an Empress, but not yet in charge. Her mother having died when she was young, she'd been given the title early despite being unwed. This state of being without a husband lasted much longer than the average woman in her shoes, but for good reason. As a young teenager, she'd lost the majority of her sight, and her demeanor changed drastically. Without her mother or her sight, her personality soured and she became distant. Though kind to her servants and those who she had known since her youth, she was cruel and unkind to people who she felt only sought her friendship or courtship because of her title. She was not one who trusted easily and this put a great stress on her father who sought to wed her before his death. Many suitors came and went, sent away or chased away by the Empress and her cold personality. Only a few remained, one being an older man who the Emperor had fought with in the war during his last battles before settling into his throne, and the other being a younger man who had been a general in the army before retiring as a scholar in Rome. The latter of the two had strong hopes at becoming the next Emperor and refused to let anything get in his way, even if it meant putting up with the young Empress's attitude. Due to his persistence and friendship with the Emperor he didn't fear being cast away. As long as he stayed in the good graces of the Emperor, he was safe. Unfortunately, that meant that the Empress had to put up with his abusive behavior. Though her father wouldn't believe her, she knew that the man was evil. Sadly, despite attempting to drive him away and trying to make her father see the truth, he remained as an ever-threatening shadow lurking not far away. In the suitors attempt to grab further graces from the Emperor, he has his men purchase a powerful warrior who was brought back as a captive of war. He's sent into the pits to fight for his freedom where the Emperor and his daughter watch. During the match, it is stopped and everyone is rushed back to their cells. The empress has run off. Due to her blindness, she ends up in the holding room of the fighters. This is where she meets the fighter who protects her from the other slaves. Though he isn't the nicest person, with some justification given him circumstances, he doesn't wish harm to those who do not deserve it. Because of his willingness to protect her, when the guards arrive, she protects him from them and informs them of what transpired. In thanks, the Emperor tells the suitor to bring him to the castle for dinner. The suitor isn't happy. It's clear from the start that the man is eying the princess with interest. However, she is less than interested herself. The Emperor offers the slave a home in his castle in exchange for fighting for him in the arena to win bets with other royalty and people of wealth. Neither the suitor nor the Empress are happy about this, but it is to be. As time goes on, the slave actively seeks out the Empress to tease her and make her uncomfortable. All the while, he begins to learn of the abusive behavior of the suitor and the distressing past of the Empress.[/hider][/center][hr]