[center][h1]Count Alexander Gallagher[/h1][/center] In the heart of Drakengard lied Southaven where the king's summons were destined to meet and what matter it concerned wasn't much of a guess upon traveling to the bustling city. Having received his letter early in the morning where a messenger delivered his summons to him, he was already awake at such an odd hour, with some of his paperwork sprawled across his desk. Clerical and unimportant in its nature compared to a message with the king's seal as he unsealed and read its content... Upon finishing it and rereading it, he began preparations to leave upon receiving that summon, he enlisted several servants to prepare some gear for traveling and a few of his messengers to acquire two of his own soldier to accompany him upon horseback when the time came. He'd make the trip easily within an hour or sooner if he rushed, taking time to make sure all his business was in order as he kissed his family goodbye and a shallow explanation of what was happening. Grabbing something small to eat and washing himself thoroughly before dressing himself, he left in the morning where everyone were preparing themselves for the day. Having an entourage of four guards under his employee as he had them alongside himself for the short journey, for one could never be too cautious during these times. Having made sure to dress modestly and wear a cloak on top as an additional layer, it was an odd time for anyone to be traveling but the roads were empty and that was good enough for him. [hr][hr] Entering Southaven an hour or two before the stroke of noon, he entered the city with no problem despite the recent situation that may have put them on edge. Being a notable figure of nobility that they were probably made sure to recognize, Alexander didn't mind their duties as he was compliant and engaging with them as he warmly brought them into some small talk to wind down their nerves while they check his group over. Eventually asking them [color=MediumSlateBlue][i][u]what they know about the dragon situation in Brixton and if anything notable is happening because of it[/u][/i][/color] before attending the meeting. Once they were done, his party left into the city as they walked through the streets, heading toward a small property possessed by Alexander that was effortless to do. Being comparable modest in amenities and size, it was intended for its subtly as it would occasionally house himself if needed or in this case, his personal guards until he retrieved them. Asking them to stay close for the duration of their stay if they were needed to be called upon. [hr][hr] Having the time to look himself over and fix his appearance, swapping his clothing for more finer apparel in preparation to travel to the palace, having two of his guard accompany him as they exchanged small talk throughout the city. Getting closer to the palace lobby, upon seeing the blonde Petronus, he dismissed the two guards that accompanied him before approaching them.