[quote=@Altered Tundra] Check in for those who either haven't posted yet or haven't put up their sheets yet. The following haven't submitted their character sheets and while contact has been made, I will be putting a seven-day limit to get your sheets submitted. Also take note these are only for those who have gotten back to me about claiming a slot in one way or another. [@Arabxlla] [@Weird Tales] [@Caasicam] For those of you who haven't posted yet, while there won't be a too-rigid deadline, I am tagging you just so I can get your status for your posts. Note this will apply to those who still haven't posted for [i]both[/i] of their characters yet: [@HaleyTheRandom] (has to yet to post for both of their characters), [@Soufflegirl123] (still has to do a post for one of their characters) [@Hero] (has yet to post for their character), [@voltaic] (has yet to post for their character), [@CaptainSully] (hasn't posted for their character. [/quote] Just a reminder for those who haven't turned in their sheets yet. You have until Friday to get them up or your slots will be vacated.