Elias sighs and shakes his head. "Yeah, polish my armor. Totally on my to do list after fighting a bunch of spineless security guards." The next half hour passed in relative silence. Tyrell, however, would feel the ship drop out of hyperspace with little warning and a female voice echo over the intercoms. "Incoming ship, identify yourself ra cuyir shot daab. Gar ganar ta'raysh seconds." Elias, who'd been lounging in the cockpit going over a couple of mods for his pistols shot up and answered, sweating slightly at the overtly hostile warning. "Ibic is haar Nightingale Eclipse, ID 482302. I'm a member of Clan Ordo, coming in to restock after a hunt." He glances backwards towards where Tyrell is before sighing. "And I come bearing a passanger who is not of a Mandalorian Clan. He'll behave, I promise." There's silence for a moment before her voice comes back. "They better, Elias. The elders are already wary of you as it is." The signal cuts and Elias sighs before getting onto the intercom. "Alright, Tyrell, we've begun our decent to my resupply point. Need ya to come to the cockpit."