Mevenn stood before Kresst, scanning. Taking up the whole bodyguard position, scanning the horizon. She spoke first. "My master here-" the term of master slipped her mouth, though she was glad for the bodyguard get up she was playing. Otherwise the term may have been a dead giveaway. "-was on a mission to deliver information to the senate about pirate attacks on our small colony world. Unfortunately, when hearing about our mission the pirate lord decided to attack us personally. Now we're here." She signalled to the ship. "Our vessel has also seen better days. We're looking for repairs and-" A strange feeling began to tingle at the base of her spine. Something calling to her through the Force. She looked at Kresst, and then off in the distance, her perplexed reaction hidden due to her helmet. Only the more subtle head nods visible to the harbormaster. Confusion radiated from him as the silence went on for a little longer than intended. She cleared her throat. "-Sorry. Thought I saw something. Anyway, we're looking for repairs and a holonet connection. Our transmitter was knocked out during the fight."