[h2]Astrid[/h2] Astrid tucked the little bottle and syringe case away into her bag and thanked Kade for it. Sure, they might be gone for only a week, but she was still cautious. If she even missed one dose, it could be bad for her. So, making sure she had everything in her bag, and headed outside with the rest of the little group. She had passed on the hug from Eleanor, mostly because she did not know the older woman that well, and hugs were sometimes... awkward. Give her a good thump on the back from a warrior any day, but hugs? Scary. She did notice that Katalina partook in a hug from the older woman, and muttered something to her. She followed Kade as he lead the group and gasped a bit as the rain was coming down from every angle. She moved with quick movements, while she noticed that Katalina seemed to be savoring the rain, letting it drench her as much as possible. Apparently, the girl did not mind the idea of getting ill... Astrid's train of thought smashed when Kade spoke up and then frowned. "Interwoven trees? How can anyone tell the difference in this woods?" She squinted her eyes a bit as it looked like every tree looked the same to her. [hr] [h2]Katalina[/h2] Katalina decided to swipe the knife, and tucked it into a holder in her boots. Why she had a knife holster in her boots? That was a secret to her only. She regrouped with the others, and took a hug from Eleanor before whispering something to the older woman. "Sorry about the knife." She pulled away before Eleanor could question her, and followed the others out to the woods. The former mermaid, as that was the best word to equate to what she had been before in her opinion since humans didn't have the right vocal chords to say the word, relished the rain as it fell on her skin. Sure, it wasn't the ocean but it worked for the moment. She was well aware that she was dawdling as they headed to the woods, but she did made sure not to dally too long. In the woods, she heard Astrid remark that it was hard to tell the difference, but to Katalina... "How can you miss it? It's right there." She pointed to the arch of trees that interwove at the top, just as Kade had said. "Can you not see it?" Astrid's shaking head confirmed that yes, she could not see it, and she was irritated by that. "Weird. I wonder why I can?" Katalina took Astrid's hand to guide her towards the trees.