[s]little does she know they'll have plenty of time for her to show him around xD[/s] And I think at first he might but as soon as he brings it up, I see him realizing that Gavin knew cx I figure one of the reasons he's suspicious in the first place is because of Gavin's poor lying skills lol I kinda have a rough idea of how John will react but I'm thinking that after he finds that out, he'll probably be set on keeping them apart and finding a different nobleman to marry her off to as soon as possible. That might change before they get to the castle though (either from him growing to begrudgingly accept Crow and/or because of Penelope bringing up his past with her mother a lot) Also, we're still doing the god visiting Penelope at the pond right?? If we have her meet her mother then too, I think that could also trigger John folding/coming to slowly accept Crow (suddenly realizing Crow isn't like his father and understanding that rankings doesn't change feelings since John's actually a softie underneath it all lol). Could even lead to him explaining how he came to know who Crow's father was as well as how he met Penelope's mom [s]accidentally turning this whole story into HIMYM[/s]