[s]It's gonna be such a surprise to both of them cx[/s] That makes sense, haha. It's gonna be really tense between them all when he finds out. It'll probably have to happen pretty early on though, because their trip to the castle will only be about 3 days (going by how long it took for the first group to get to Younis way back when). Crow's gonna be pretty upset when John starts getting between them, since the whole reason he wanted Penelope to come was so he'd have her for moral support when he faces his father xD I think that was the plan! And I like that. Would John see her too, or would Penelope tell him and he'd just be kinda dumbfounded? Also, I was assuming that Crow would "fall asleep" during the god's visit (maybe get supernaturally knocked out xD), since we only planned for Penelope to see him/her. If you've got another idea, I'm open to hearing it!