[center][h1]Indiana Jones [/h1][/center] His humming stopped as a message came in. It took a hot minute, but after some mucking around, Indy was able to pull up the message from the field team leader, and glanced it over quickly. What he read made him wince. That wasn't good. He kept walking or moving, or whatever, being able to multitask for the moment. His response that soon came gave no sign of his own internal turmoil. [code]To: Deneb Unless Kai can send one of his NPCs who count as Tanks, I'm afraid I've got no one. We have access to mines and plenty of wild animal farming. The three of us are at his castle, and I'm heading down to the mine with one of the guild members. Once I've gotten a lock on our resource situation there, I'll let you know. Keep me posted, I might be able to build something to help us keep monsters at bay, or target bosses from afar. Still only an idea. --Indiana Jones [/code] With the message sent, he sighed. The only thing they possibly had that could even come close to being useful here would be artillery. Or a golem, but the first, he didn't know what they had. The latter were limited by distance factors. At least instant messaging like this made it possible to stay up to date at all times on the overall situation. Something that made him feel a bit better. The situation was sinking in more and more, that they were trapped in an alien world, the rules weren't the same, they couldn't go home, and they didn't know what else was in this world with them. Hopefully that one crazy player who had been kicked out of his guild for her antics wouldn't be in this world, he did not need that woman after him...or the others. And that only brought up more questions, like...what if one of them died? Okay, keep it together Indy, they need you to not have a melt down. [i]//Not my best, but consider this being set whenever during the moments after the departure from the room.[/i] [@PKMNB0Y]