Hello all and welcome to my little slice of roleplay heaven; as you can probably see by the title I am on the hunt for some Kpop based stuff...Haha, gonna admit I am semi new to the world of Kpop so my actual band knowledge is limited but I do have a few I'm on the hunt for. But, first let's get some rules and such out of the way; those are always, well- 'Fun' Aren't they? ha 1. Grammar/Post Length/Etc Look, I know this can be a big thing for- a lot of people; especially the ones like me that have been at this for a good couple of years [I've lost track of how many years I've been at this game; which is both sad and hilarious at the same time haha] But I am not a stickler, I don't genuinely care much and I won't get on your case so long as you give me at least more then one line and it's something I can work with. Exceptions to the one liner rule being the usuals; A line of chatter, quick and simple or the likes. 2. Ditching/Ghosting I am guilty as hell of it for a few people, I am aware of this and have come to accept it but I have also been trying to get better at such things. But, for the love of all that is Kpop PLEASE; try not to do this, I hate it when I get REALLY into something only to find my partner is not as into it and has decided to up and disappear. Say something, maybe we can work something out; if not we go our seperate ways. It's not a big deal and it won't hurt my feelings, just; please say something and don't just ghost on me. 3. Doubling/Characters/Ships I am open to ANYTHING you throw at me; M/M, F/F, trans, gi, bay- the entire spectrum; I don't judge, Never have and never will. Personally, my pairing for this will be M/f, possibly poly m/f/m if your up for this; but otherwise I am open to trying just about anything for you so long as you don't mind a bit of a learning curve. As I said as well, I don't know Vixx as well as i know BTS but again, I am more then willing and happily will try any member of either group- or both for you. ^_^ 4. AUs/Alpha/Omega/Fantasy plots -Not really a rule but I want this out there anyway- MY LIFE BLOOD. LOVE, LOVE LOVE THESE TO BITS. But that doesn't mean I won't do a casual simple Slice of life roleplay as well, be it fan/Idol or idol/idol, or the likes. -Sidenote on this rule; I do have some basic as hell vampire plots we could work into this if you wish or come up with our own thing. Come to me ith any ideas you have; I am an open book and will listen to all- Now for my 'Wishlist' of sorts; willing to double as anyone from these groups, though please be patient if it is Shinee, I am a severly knew Shawol and don't know them very well /just/ yet; Same goes for BTs though I am not as new and have played Rapmon and Suga a handful of times...However, so long as your patient with me; I will try /anyone/ for you. <3 Park Jimin [btS] Leo/Jung Taekwon {Vixx} Taemin {Shinee} Now; as I said I am willing to double for any of these;