[@Chiro] Jake's drone would go unnoticed by the intruder, they were fully distracted by the pile of scrap they were digging through. Even with this better view of the intruder it was still difficult to get any kind of read on them, mostly because they had some kind of steampunk exoskeleton on that obscured a large amount of their features. The only things that really stood out was a dirty head of long white hair, the rest was a mystery. It was also quite obvious that the suit wasn't just for show, the figure demonstrating strength far greater than his form would have you believe. Whoever they were, they were obviously some kind of villain. [hr] [@BCTheEntity] Maceroy's phone would go off, he'd received a message from Taylor, a fellow teacher at Linkertown college. [i]"Hey Mace the schools in a bit of a spot at the moment. Blorb is having a poke at us again so don't worry about your lectures today. You can come if you want but I'm pretty sure the students are just going to use this as an excuse to dip outta class. But hey it's up to you."[/i] [hr] [@FluffyKnife] Blorb would be hurling globs of spiced mince meat at the windows of the Linkertown college main building. "Ha take that yo-!" Blorb's attention would be taken by the emergence of Wet Towel, he would growl as he turned to face her. "You again!" He hissed as he placed his hands on the floor and made a few handfuls of Doritos chips out of the pavement. "I'll best you this time!" With a wave of his hand Blorb would send a spray of Doritos in Wet Towel's direction, they'd be traveling pretty fast but Doritos aren't know for being powerful projectiles. [hr] [@Gardevoiran] Eve's flight through the sky would obviously not go unnoticed, a ball of fire flying through the sky was kinda hard to miss. It was also pretty concerning for quite a few people, a fireball was scary enough even if people knew Eve was one of the good guys, her flying overhead probably meant there was a bad guy out there causing trouble at the moment. Eve herself would have a rather nice flight for the most part, at least until some light started blaring into her eyes. It flicked for a moment causing a slight strobe before dissipating, light bouncing off some windows or car side-view mirrors could be pretty dangerous Eve.