Silence fell over the group again as neither Crow nor Penelope tried to push John in to saying anymore. It easily made time go by slower for the knight but not wanting to put her father into a worse mood, she kept quiet and merely followed him. Eventually the group came to a stop in a small clearing and Penelope moved to quietly sit down near Crow. With her father around, she didn't dare sit next to him and merely had to content herself with eating her small lunch near him. She let out a quiet sigh as she ate, wishing there was a way for her to buy some time alone with him. It seemed rather impossible with her father around and having no real excuse to venture off alone with the thief. The knight grabbed her canteen to take a sip of water, pausing as an idea struck her. Perhaps it wasn't the best, but it was better than just waiting around hoping they'd eventually get a chance to be alone. As she finished drinking, she set the canteen down to rest against the bag besides her, purposely leaving it not fully closed. Penelope stretched a bit and moved to put away what was left of her food when she 'accidentally' knocked the canteen over in doing so. Faking a look of surprise, she shifted away from the splash of water that poured out and pretend to hurriedly set her items down so she could grab it before too much spilled out. "Crap." she muttered as she screwed the lid on. She casted a subtle glance at Crow before focusing back on the container. "Language.." John muttered as he looked up from his meal. His gaze studied her for a moment before he let out a sigh. "How much did you lose?" "Nearly half.." Penelope frowned as she gave the container a small shake. She eyed it for a moment before looking over at her father. "There's probably a stream nearby here somewhere, right? I can try to find one before we have to leave." she said standing up to her feet.