[center] [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/932676970230938078/C4CF1D809C88397080AA1B368684C9F36E706320/[/img][/center] [center]Calling all magical girls of Kaigo City! [A dark theme-d, Madoka inspired Magical Girl RP.] The Keepers have come to Kaigo City, and they’re looking for potential Magical Girls. Mysterious, fuzzy little carbuncles with magic properties, the Keepers have long since been keeping the balance of magic. In Kaigo City, that balance is sorely lacking! Vices run rampant. Dark creatures, who can take any shape, any form, and are terrible for humans. Some latch on and spirit people away, others slowly eat away at them, leaving husks behind… All that is going to change, though! Where there are Vices, there must be Virtues! Magical Girls driven by their own souls, their magic charged by their own personal characteristics! Perhaps they’ve already seen victims of Vices, perhaps they’ve hit rock bottom, and a chance to become a magical girl seemed like the only way out. One thing is for certain, Kaigo City needs them! With Keepers watching over them, the girls will fight the dreaded Vices and grow stronger by collecting the shards of magic they drop, power bring up their own abilities! Some girls have quite strong, solo-fighting prowess, some are more suited to team-play, but whatever gets the job done, as the Keepers say. However, magic is never to be trifled with. It is dangerous, even the brightest of souls are not safe from its reach, and humans are… chaotic, labile creatures, easily driven to madness. Once you make a deal with a Keeper, you’re not getting out of it so easily… This RP deals with darker themes, including the downfall / corruption of magical girls. Really similar to Madoka, but without the Witch aspect. If that's not your cuppa-tea then that's A-OK, just a fair warning! The premise is deliberately vague, story elements will be revealed through the Roleplay. Any questions or queries, feel free to message myself or [@LuckyBlackCat] [/center] [hider=Character Sheet! Courtesy of LuckyBlackCat] Name: (Self explanatory) Age: (Between 14 and 18) Appearance: (Civilian appearance and magical girl appearance) Mana Crystal: (Describe the form your mana crystal takes. A simple pendant, bracelet, earring, something that can be easily hidden or look like an inconspicuous accessory, yet can become much fancier when you're transformed.) Virtue: (Can be a variety of things - Kindness, Joy, Knowledge, Truth, Courage, Creativity, any positive abstraction. Describe what it means to your character.) Magic: (Should be in some way tied to the virtue. Someone Truth themed may have detection magic, for example, and the virtue of Friendship could grant buffing abilities or other magic that works best with a team.) History: (Keep it reasonably brief, and if you want your character to have a secret that will be revealed over the course of the RP, feel free to run it past us via PM) Other: (Can be left blank) [/hider] Hit us up with your charry sheets, m'dears! Once they're approved, they can be moved to the Characters tab!