[h2]Saber - Benienma[/h2] "That sounds like an excellent plan, Master!" declared the petite little redheaded girl with a smile. Indeed, nutrition was important, and Benienma had already planned ahead. As a Servant, she didn't require food(although she did enjoy it, and it helped replenish her mana supply without taxing her Master further). Making certain that her Master was not hungry before beginning a patrol was simply another one of the duties she had as a Servant. "As it happens, I have already prepared a bento box for you dechi." She patted her bag as she spoke. She'd spent the morning preparing them. It wasn't the most varied meal, but it was both delicious and nutritious, and Benienma had put everything she had into ensuring its quality. No-one could say she had done anything less then the absolute best! The hell oni was certain of this. "I prepared for you a plethora of onigiri dechi," continued Benienma, proudly, "Each one has a different filling, so I would like to refer to it as Benienma's Onigiri Sampler Bento dechi." [@RolePlayerRoxas]