[img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/94/dc/95/94dc95ce914c6d4070dd6b4b43c5b236.jpg?b=t[/img] Name: Daphne Age: 30 Race: Dhamphir(Bauchstehen) Height: 5'9 Weight: 165 Class: Kineticist Appearance: Daphne could be best described as an enchanting young woman, bearing a heart-shaped face framed by short bangs of raven hair and eyes like glimmering gold orbs that sem to speak of an intelligence far beyond her years. The influence of her Bauchstehen mother can be seen in the tapered tips that sharpen many of her features as well as her relatively tall stature. Thanks to the variety of her mother's race, the telling features of her Vetala-bloodline are much more difficult to parse without the use of specialized magic, the only possible tell being the slight fang-like point to her canines, though they are bearly much bigger than that of a normal person. Personality: Daphne is a playful girl, often to a rather disagreeable fault. Always eager to learn new things about the world, it can be nearly impossible to get her to settle down in th epresence of new knowledge. Along with this is her rather stubborn nature when denied something she wants or is uised to getting, the result ing tantrums often leading to her flexing her strange abilities in order to cow whoever stands in her way. Despite being relatively kind to most, an angered Daphne will see little problem in hurting those who get in between her and her desires, though often finds that the threat of doing something proves to be just as effective as actually doing it, if not more so. Despite her childish nature, one would be foolish to dimiss her based entirely on such an impression, While definitely not the most worldy or patient of individuals, she is one possessed of a snake's cunning when it comes to getting what she wantsor gaining revenge on those who she believes to have wronged her. Patientce isn't a virtue she takes to with any speed, but if no other choice is sensible, she is capable of holding a long and lasting grudge and waiting as long as is needed to finally get her way. Biography: Daphne was, quite simply, born to be a weapon, brought into the world by a bargain between her Vetala-sire and a powerful necromancer. Despite this truth, however, her early life was not one of egregious hardships or overtly cruel treatment. While the experiments that the Necromancer put her through to give her the power she know possesses were undoubtedly painful, after each gauntlet of trials she was treated with the utmost care and softness. her master, as he bid her to callhim, often gave her anything she requested of him as long as she participated with his efforts, and even when she didn't in some of her more rebellious moods. He was everything that she could ever want in a guardian: Kind, soft-spoken, understanding. Not only that, but the day when his experiments bore fruit within her, birthing a strange, but miraculous new power within her core. . . the jpoy and praise that he heaped upon her left her in jpyful tears. Unfortunately, as she'd later come to realize, it was this success that uncovered the location of her Master's lair, as the immense surge of Negative energy, as brief as it had been, had been noticed, Within days of the discovery, her Master's home was set upon by a great force of intruders, bursting through his defenses and traps with worrisome speed. Daphne was more than prepared to tear down anyone that threatened her master or his work, but he denounced her for such thoughts. She was not ready to face such powerful foes, not as she was in that moment. As such, he had her spirited away under the cover of shadows so that his success wouldn't be destroyed by those who wouldn't understand. Daphne's last glimpse of her master was him turning to face of against a horde of faceless foes in armor. In the years following her escape from her master, she could find no news or trace of him, aside from news that the forces sent to capture the 'vile necromancer' had failed. The simply joy in hearing that her master had escaped from his pursurers satiated her in the moment, as she thought that he'd soon come to her at any moment. But as days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years, she found herself wondering in silence where her master had gone. Why hadn't he come for her? Had she been. . . abandoned? Such a thought was too much for her to bare, and so she convinced herself that there was no way that it could be true. Instead, she dedicated herself to finding her master, traveling all over in search of him, as well as learning all she could about the world outside of his lair. She came into some trouble now and again, partially due to misunderstanding, partially due to recklessness and her own volatile temperament. But she never stopped looking for him, convinced that they would see each other again. Hex: (hex value for character dialogue) FAQ AC: 15 Attack: Gravity Blast: +3 to hit, 1d6+5 damage Negative Energy Blast: +3 to hit, 1d6+3 damage Special Traits: Undead Resistance: Dhampirs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects. Resist Level Drain (Ex): A dhampir takes no penalties from energy drain effects, though he can still be killed if he accrues more negative levels then he has Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels a dhampir takes are removed without the need for an additional saving throw. Light Sensitivity: Dhampirs are dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. Negative Energy Affinity: Though a living creature, a dhampir reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead—positive energy harms it, while negative energy heals it. Vampiric Empathy: Though dhampirs often relate poorly to humanoids, some share an affinity with baser creatures. These dhampirs gain the ability to communicate with bats, rats, and wolves as if under the effects of a speak with animals spell (caster level equal to 1/2 the dhampir’s Hit Dice). In addition, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with these animals. Whenever these dhampirs initiate an exchange, animals begin with a starting attitude of indifferent. This is a supernatural ability. This racial trait replaces manipulative. Alternate Spell-Like Ability: Ajibachanas gain comprehend languages as a spell-like ability. Senses:Darkvision: Dhampir see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet. Low-light vision: In addition to their ability to see perfectly in the dark up to 60 ft, dhampir have low-light vision, allowing them to see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. Skills- (List commonly used, ranked, or specially modified skills)Acrobatics: +5, Escape Artist: +5, Intimidate:+4, Stealth: +5, Use Magic Device: +4 [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1skgPHyk7a-ydjTRtexqk-_GdS8_EyTsQG9FCSxEAVNs/edit#gid=0]Link[/url]