Seeing how Kaito responded with hostility took Gilda off-guard. She quickly apologized profusely, bowing again and again and again at him. "I-I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry, Sir Hero! Oh, I've been rude again!" Only after she was satisfied with her apologies that she answered his questions. "W-well, I thought you are an Otherworlder just like Lilia--I-I mean, Miss Lilia--N-No, M-Miss Akatsuki! T-that's how I should've been calling her! I-I can't act all friendly towards a Hero!" Once again, she was tripping over her own words. "A-anyway, M-Miss Akatsuki... she came here a few years back. And she was wearing a garment similar to yours. Back then, I didn't know at all that she was a Chosen Hero, and she never mentioned it as well. Only later on after she was declared such by the Order that I knew who she really was! Ooh, I should've been more perceptive! It was clear as day with the way she carried herself that she was a special person! And I still didn't realize who she was even after she saved our village from the dragon! Can you believe it?! You're such an idiot, Gilda!" She then tapped her own head repeatedly with her crook, only stopping after she realized that Kaito was still staring at her. "A-ah, sorry for that, S-Sir Hero!" she said with an awkward smile. "W-where were we? Oh yeah, the reason why I called you a hero. Well, I figured you're just like her, an Otherworlder. So I thought you must be another Hero, chosen by the Sage! I'm right, aren't I? Teehee, I won't be so ignorant this time! I will make sure you get the treatment fitting of a Hero!" "As for how you get here, didn't you get called or summoned by the Sage? I wouldn't know how such a thing could be done. I'm just an ordinary farm girl after all. Oh, and this is the Village of Autumn, at the Land of Wind. Like the name says, here, we are in perpetual autumn. There aren't much here but Miss Akatsuki said she loved the sight here very much!" It was clear that she held Lilia in really high esteem. And from the way she was staring at Kaito with admiration and curiosity, she was ready to admire him just as much.