To hear casual conversation was alien to Thaddeus. Most of his time was spent either speaking in verse or silently praying, but that wasn't to say he couldn't relate to his fellow soldiers. Instead he chose not to. Too many times he tried to create fire forged bonds within the eyes of god, but too many times did those bonds shatter when the pull towards heaven was great. Of course he was happy when his allies died, they joined the grace of god! Still at this occasion it showed a marked shift from the perspective of what god was. When he was growing up he was taught that god was vengeful and would bring his righteous fury to all sinners. Now in this modern age there was signs of change. Instead of vengeance, this god brought forgiveness. Instead of fury, he brought redemption. Thaddeus of course disagreed with this. How could a being that could perceive all times all at the same time ever have any sympathy for lesser beings? Still he wrestled with the idea that perhaps maybe, just maybe to assume that a supreme being couldn't have the ability to relate to her creation was in itself hubris. Thaddeus struggled more and more about reconciling his ideas of god to the modern view of god with each passing day. He didn't wish to, but he knew one day he'd have to balance fire and brimstone with flowers and love. But for now he'd have to ready these grunts for combat. He doubted many of them had been in a full engagement and he doubted even more that most of them would survive. "Hear me and listen! What we are to embark on is a mission from god. The EDF are a blight upon this Earth, the remnants of the Sodom of old! They are beyond redemption, each and every single one of their soldiers is worthy of only one gift from god, and that is to be purged. When we meet them upon the battlefield remember that we are given only one sacrament, that thou shalt kill. Your children pray to you only one thing, to kill the EDF! Your mothers and fathers pray for only one thing, to kill the EDF! Forgiveness can only be given to those who seek salvation, and that salvation is not ours to give. Let us show them the path to god! Let us purify their sin through fire and fury! Let us teach them not to kneel in the presence of god, but instead to lie face down in the sand and bleed in the presence of god! Now who will join me in this great crusade of purification?!"