[@Kyrisse] They didn't understand, but how could they? They didn't have much to do with magic, until now. How could she explain so that they would understand? [color=yellow]"I think you misunderstand me- it wouldn't make me a werewolf, merely enable me to use my magic to shapeshift into a wolf for a time. I would still be a witch, but... if I could develop a spell I could hide my magical ability from others... "[/color] she sighed, and ran a hand through her hair with frustration as she sought the right words. [color=yellow]"It's an option and if it means I won't be a burden, well... I'd like to take it, but... it wouldn't be permanent. I don't have that kind of magic... that's old magic, lost magic. No, for it to be permanent it would need to be a bite."[/color] But she was not going to go there. [color=yellow]"Does that make sense?"[/color]