With Devil May Cry 5 on the horizon, I'm seriously considering making a just-DMC RP. However I also need to wait for the game to land so I can take up all the meaty lore it's locked behind the gameplay. In the meantime, I'd like to garner some interest, and hear out some ideas from people who are interested in this franchise. I have a few ideas of my own, but I am unable to land on any of them because of the uncertainty of what we may learn from DMC5. I'll be adding some of them here soon, but I know a few things that I know will be happening. First, this will take place after DMC5, so knowing the aftermath of that game is going to be important for writing this premise. Despite the next point, it's important for the overarching world and not so much the contents of the RP itself. Second, the events however, will be further away and not involve the main cast of the main series in any direct way. The RP will be a focus on characters made in this world, so I highly encourage people to come in with characters of their own making. And finally. There will be a new legend. DMC1-5 covers the descendants of Sparda, this RP will have it's own legend from which many events and enemies may be born from, as well as weapons and gear, or even characters within reason.