[@LetMeDoStuff] [hider=Victoria White] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/525065465484279838/526473644449333278/YwXo1ac.jpg?width=1169&height=664[/img] Name Victoria "Slasher" White Gender Female Age 18 January 1, 1896 Sexuality Bisexual Race Oceanian Appearance Victoria is much taller than most women and quite a few men, standing at a full 6'3" when standing upright. Obviously this is less than ideal for the brutal trench warfare she's currently stuck in so she's adopted a sort of permanent slouch. Her body is mostly lean from years of near starvation, somewhat countered by the slight pudge of motherhood. Her brown hair hangs down messily over her face and around her head, held somewhat in place by her rabbit-fur felt slouch hat with a spare clip tucked into its band. The young woman has a permanently lopsided grin that morphs easily into a feral snarl in the heat of combat. Her body bears marks from the recent engagement at Amone where her entire unit was blown apart by grenades or crushed under the wheels of an armored car as well as her rough upbringing, a chunk of her right ear missing and bandages wrapped around her wrists where shrapnel left long, ugly, scars. A jagged scar traces its way over her right eye, a result of a bottle being shattered against her head. Just as painful but harder to spot is the mental trauma from such violence. Victoria sometimes drifts off into her own world, a blank expression on her face as she witnesses the death of her friends again. Besides the standard issue blue uniform and webbing she wears a waterproof canvas cape and slouch hat as well as twin bandoleers across her torso, a leather satchel hanging at her side. A heart locket hangs from a spare bootlace around her neck, inside is a picture of her daughter Elizabeth. Personality: Victoria is open and friendly, some might say overbearingly so. She is perfectly willing to talk about her violent past and rough upbringing, she has nothing to hide. She is a product of her environment and she'd like to see someone grow up in her shoes and not be at least a little bit wild. She boasts often and loudly but only when she knows she can back it up. Other people would be wise to do the same unless they want to be tested. The quickest way to earn her respect is through a friendly drinking match or friendly wrestling match/no holds barred brawl, she believes that you can tell a lot about a person through how they fight. She has little love for the Federation. Despite what the propaganda says she sees little difference between them and the Imperials. The Federation never helped her when she was on the verge of starving to death or struggling to make ends meet with a baby on the way. So she has little love for the Federation and it's higher officers. Patriotic calls to duty and propaganda decrying the Imperials as evil invaders does little to compel her, and if she thinks that an order would get men needlessly slaughtered expect her to "interpret" it a bit differently than expected. With that in mind, there's little she wouldn't do for friends and loved ones. She forms attachments quickly and sees herself as the "squad mom", making sure that everyone's eaten and has enough to eat. She carries needles and thread as well as some yarn in her satchel so feel free to ask her to mend your clothes or make you a scarf! She feels a certain sense of sympathy with the Darcens as a whole, having grown up dirt poor and living on the outskirts of society where the proper and decent folk wouldn't have to see her. She's never been discriminated against per say, but she's certainly experienced some of the problems facing them. The few Darcens that had lived in Prairie had struggled along just like everyone else, they were no better or worse inherently. She judges people based off their character and actions and absolutely DETESTS racism of any kind. Rank Private Role Shocktrooper, Squad Mom, Packrat Equipment SML-Carbine with bayonet, Sharpnel-Ragnite Bombs, Potentials [u]Berserk:[/u] Being a shocktrooper requires a certain ruthlessness and a complete lack of fear. When charging enemy positions she became a snarling and howling beast hellbent on driving her bayonet through some chests. She also prefers close-quarters combat, excelling at using her fists and any nearby objects to bludgeon the enemy into submission. [u]Mother Bear:[/u] She's always there to care for her friends. Rescuing downed squad mates or providing comfort to a friend going through trouble is always her first priority. [u]Don't Believe Their Lies:[/u] Victoria doesn't believe any of the Federation's propaganda. They weren't there for her when she was starving, why should she care what they say? She's only here because she needs to feed her child. [u]Hit the Bottle:[/u] She's always drinking, but a really bad day can send her on a proper drunken bender. A particular gruesome battle will have her reaching for the bottle before seeking medical attention. Biography Victoria White was born in the year 1896 to a poor family of farmers in the town of Prairie, Oceania. It was a farming community originally and its people used to be able to make a decent living selling their livestock and crops. But roughly ten years before her birth the fields had turned fallow and the land was caught in a drought. Once successful farms soon struggled to feed their own children and more and more beggars began to fill the street. It wasn't very long until people actually began to die of starvation. That was the world Jack and Margret White brought their daughter into, and they regretted it. The poor girl had been an accident of course, what kind of parents would want to have a child when they wouldn't be able to know when their next meal was coming? Both her mother and father worked near constantly either trying to scrape some manner of living out of the dust or preforming odd jobs for a bit of extra cash so she was largely cared for by her grandmother and three siblings, each ten years her senior. Her two brothers and one sister taught her how to mix a bit of sawdust into flour to stretch it, how to break into abandoned homes and farmsteads and strip them of any left behind valuables that could be sold. At night her grandmother made her learn the alphabet and basic math so "some crooked bastard doesn't cheat you." It was a strange education but it was the one she needed to survive. By the time she was ten all of her siblings had left for the cities pf Randgriz, Melvere and Koln in search of work, joining an exodus that had been steadily lowering the population of Prairie. By now the famine was mostly over but the damage was done. Prairie was dying, the people that remained only stayed because they had nowhere else to turn. Without her siblings to guide her Victoria fell in with one of the packs of jobless and ambition-less youths roaming the streets, the Scarlet Slicers they called themselves. They spent their days throwing bricks through windows and fighting over turf with makeshift clubs constructed of fence-posts and bottles. She started as a pickpocket and soon graduated to professional ruffian, hanging out on the corner and carrying knives. She was caught multiple times scrawling graffiti on rival gangs territory and "earned her fangs" in many back alley brawls. By the time she was fourteen her family would have nothing to do with her so she began sleeping on the streets or on a grimy mattress in the shack of some fellow hoodlum. She started drinking and never stopped, getting blackout drunk at parties and late night meet ups. Sometimes she was flirty, other times violent. Once she earned herself a permanent scar when a member of another street gang, the Women of Limbo, smashed a bottle against her head. In a drunken rage Victoria stabbed the girl to death. That incident earned her the nickname of "Slasher". By fifteen she had ended up in the arms of Charles, a handsome young man four years her senior. He was a smooth talking con-artist that could make money appear as if from nowhere with any number of scams. They ran wild together both outside and in the bedroom and eventually the inevitable happened: Victoria was pregnant at the age of sixteen. Charles assured her that it would be all right, he would make enough money for them to move deep into the Federation but it never happened. The money they gained was spent on alcohol for her and gambling for him. Three months into her pregnancy and he was gone, disappearing from her life. With nowhere else to turn Victoria begged forgiveness from her family. They brought her back into the fold, not wanting to abandon the girl like her "lover" had. Grandma Liz helped her through it, having gotten pregnant herself when she was only twenty years old. Time passed by and after a difficult Elizabeth White was born, named for her great-grandmother. Victoria fell in love with her daughter immediately, but was trapped in the same situation as her own parents. How was she supposed to feed her baby? Her siblings had left to search for work in the cities but that was no guaranteed thing. Farming was out, she had seen the results of relying on the land. She had no skills except sewing, knitting and street-fighting. Luckily for her, war was brewing. She signed up the Oceania Expeditionary Force and Victoria the Slasher abandoned her dusty and tattered pants and shirt for the blue uniform and slouch hat of Private White. She entered boot camp and quickly became friends with the young men and woman she would spend her service fighting alongside. Until the armored car killed all of them of course. She was the only survivor, everyone else was cut in half by machine gun fire or smashed under the wheels. Victoria managed to escape with only a few new scars and the need to find a new unit to attach herself to. Now all she has to do is survive the war so she can keep sending money home to care for her daughter and then track down the worthless son-of-a-bitch who ran out on his own child. Affiliations Jack White (Father, 47) Margret White (Mother, 41) Liz Dawson (Grandmother, 61) Elizabeth White (Daughter, 2) John, Edward, and Mary White (Siblings, all 28) Charles Blake (Worthless Bastard, 22) Relationships None yet [/hider]