Chaotic Blue followed the streets of west Engine City, remaining invisible as she hopped from structure to structure, whether they were buildings, houses, signposts, trees, traffic lights or lighting fixtures. She avoided vehicles as the dull thud of her landings would attract unwanted attention from the drivers. Eventually, she reached Senator Tilley's address in Piston Heights, the affluent part of the city where politicians and celebrities called home. The ninja perched herself on a thick tree branch just outside his bedroom window, where she saw a woman lying in bed while staring at a photo and bawling silently. She looked emaciated and exhausted from so much crying and worrying, which Chaotic Blue assumed it was related to the family's missing daughter. It looked like Senator Tilley wasn't home for the evening, so she opted to speak with the woman instead. She hopped onto the balcony and slowly creaked the sliding door open, scaring the bedridden wife as she exclaimed, "Who's there!?" "Do not be alarmed. I am not here to bring harm upon you," Chaotic Blue murmured, remaining invisible. "W-What do you want!? Are you one of those superhero alien freaks I've been hearing so much about!?" "Call me what you will. I have come because I heard about Jennifer TIlley's disappearance in Carter Hills." "My daughter...? Where did you hear that from!?" the woman panicked, reaching for the phone. "If you wish for me to bring closure to your pain, you would be wise to put that phone down and listen to what I have to say." The two women remained silent for a short while, the wife unsure of what to do. Chaotic Blue waited patiently until the stricken lady reluctantly put the phone down and asked, "What is it? Do you want to rescue my daughter?" "For a price." "Then you're a mercenary?" "Correct." "Why should I have to pay you when there are plenty of other people willing to do the same thing for free?" "There is no guarantee that those with good intentions will actually try to rescue Jennifer. They would have their own agendas and motives, which wouldn't involve your daughter. At least you can rest assured that I would be venturing in on your behalf. I cannot promise that I will return with good news, but any news is better than living life without answers. Investing in my services will be a guaranteed way to give you some measure of peace." More silence. Then the wife sat up and asked, "How much do you want?" "As my life will undoubtedly be put on the line, I ask for $500,000, with half paid up front and the remainder upon my return. I prefer cash only." "Half a million... Would you have done the same for a poor family?" "Indeed. Five cents from the impoverished carries as much value as 500 grand from the well-to-do. My rates reflect this country's inherently flawed caste system. Nothing more, nothing less." "... Very well. Please give me a moment. My husband won't notice if I take some from his safe. I assume you're invisible right now, so where do you want me to put it?" "Right here," Chaotic Blue knocked her knuckles against the nearest reading table. The wife left, then returned five minutes later with the promised money. The ninja gripped the cash, and to the wife it seemed to suddenly float before vanishing in her pocket. "You will return with Jennifer, won't you? You won't bail out on me?" the woman asked fervently. "I cannot earn my keep without honoring my contracts. I shall be swift as the wind and strike like fire for Jennifer. You must remain immovable as the mountain, and be as silent as the forest regarding our contract. So say Sun Tzu and Takeda Shingen, so we shall abide." "I understand. Please come back with Jennifer, if you can. And... please take care of yourself as well." "Duly noted," Chaotic Blue murmured, then slid the door shut and departed the same way she came.