Cyterius listened intently to the rest of S'venia's briefing, and mused about what lengths they may be forced to go in order to accomplish the task at hand. Nearing the end of it however, there was this sense of unease in the back of Cyterius' mind, the same kind he often got during certain hunts he'd done with the Luna Falcons long before. The feeling of being watched... of being hunted. Yet this did not make sense to him. They were after all inside of a fortified camp, manned by a small army. Sure he felt cold, but he had always felt a measure of cold ever since he had stepped into these lands What could possibly feel out of place without any of the lookouts calling an alarm? Then S'venia voiced out the one odd detail that had subconsciously set him on edge. [b][i]“The soldiers... they’ve gone quiet.”[/i][/b] Cyterius felt his hand reach for the hilt of his curved blade and touch it as he felt his body go on alert. She was right. A camp as large as theirs, there should be plenty of noise even by the nightwatch as they pass the time. This was unnatural. He kept his ears open and listened intently for any sound, any telltale sign of danger to make sense of this unnerving silence. When the lightning energy cracked, he rapidly drew his sword on instinct and locked his eyes on the sudden burst of energy that had materialized before them. He tightened his grip and glanced around, trying to see if there was a visible source of the sudden burst of energy. S'venia's stance seemed to relax, but Cyterius still watched the magical energy, waiting to see what it was here to do. When it disappeared and deposited a book of some kind, a confused expression formed on his face. [color=peru]"What in Guurut's name...?"[/color] He started when S'venia went to pick up the tome. He kept his sword drawn as he approached the Elven commander to look at the book. She read out the words [i]"The Butcher of the Seven Fields"[/i] [color=peru]"That name... what does it mean?"[/color] He asked. Before he could get an answer however, she suddenly spoke with a sense of urgency. [b]"The soldiers... they are in danger"[/b] She announced. Cyterius wanted to ask what sort of danger she meant, but she seemed so sure of it that he felt questioning her was only going to waste valuable time. [color=peru]"Where is the nearest lookout post? We have to raise the alarm if there is danger approaching. I can run there quickly before I rally my men"[/color] He suggested, sheathing his sword and preparing to bolt as needed, hoping S'venia knew what she was talking about.