[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/old-english-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190128/d2c575a10fd0c79327e96c49c9fbd7b1.png[/img][/url][/center] Nikolaus sat by the campfire poking the ashes with a stick hoping to see any sign of remaining embers, but to no avail. The last trails of smoke rose from the fire pit into the the sky before being dispersed by a mild breeze. The Duke eventually gave up on his dead fire and rose to his feet with a loud groan. Him and a small group of men have been on the road for the last few days heading north towards the capital, and their journey was nearing its end. While he had some paperwork that had to be delivered to the courts stewards that was no reason for him to come along. He was hoping to investigate some of the rumors of rebellion that have been passing through the countryside. Looking towards the road he could see three of his men talking with a distressed peasant that had been traveling south away from the capital. The peasant was waving their arms and was nearly shouting at his men out of fear. The poor man looked as if he had not slept in days and smelled worse. As the guards managed to calm the man down the handed the peasant a piece of bread and sent them on his way. After they finished the conversation the guards made their way back to their Lord talking amongst themselves. As they neared Nikolaus the guard in front bowed his head and tapped his fist to his chest. [b]“My lord, this one had a similar tale to the previous serfs we have met on the road.”[/b]. The man reporting in had a thick accent and had swarthy tanned skin that screamed foreigner. [b]“Though this one says that the entire royal family had been killed by a single crossbow bolt.”[/b]. The guard couldn't help let a bit of sarcasm seep into his voice as he reported in. [color=ed1c24]“Didn't the last one say that a demon had flown down and ripped the king's heart out?”[/color]. Nikolaus felt a small smile come to his face even though now really wasn't the time. [color=ed1c24]“While we can discount a majority of what these commoners say, there is a common thread here: something or someone has attacked the royal family.”[/color] As he said those words Nikolaus made his way to his horse and reached down to tighten his saddle. Seeing their Lord get ready the other men of the camp finished packing up the last of the camp and began mounting their horses. [color=ed1c24]“While normally I wouldn't worry too much about the king, these talks of rebellion make me warry. If he was to die, and become the spark for a rebellion it could hurt Yhore immensely.”[/color]. Pulling himself into the saddle he nudged his horse forward. Guiding the animal with his knees he leaned down onto the pommel and looked around bored. [color=ed1c24]“If the king we're to die, I wonder which child would win the ensuing fight. The princess's kindness would likely win her the people, but the son would likely have the vanguard and control the capital.”[/color] As he was thinking aloud the captain that had spoken earlier rode up next to him and joined in on the conversation. [b]“Doesn’t the princess have that lord that is always by her side? If the rumors are true he is basically her guard dog.”[/b] [color=ed1c24]“Who? Ooh, Fenros. I would say he is more than a dog, he is just infatuated with a pretty woman. By the way he himself is not a landed noble, but his father is, and a very powerful one at that.”[/color]. As he became lost in thought the captain appeared to remember something and smirked. [b]“Infatuated with a pretty woman? Doesn't that remind me of a time long ago involving a young mercenary and a princess?”[/b]. Nikolaus could feel himself blush and show the rare sign of emotion. Embarrassed he began to trot his horse ahead, causing his guard to fall a bit behind. As he trotted off he shouted behind him at the laughing foreigner. “You're hilarious, absolutely hilarious. Let's remember who pays who here!” [hr] As night was falling they began to near the capital and the ride became more tense. They no longer joked about women and war, and were getting ready for business. Leather straps were checked and swords loosened as some men lit torches so they wouldn't spook any terrified guard into shooting them. With the walls in sight his guard got tighter together and kept there eyes out for trouble. If the worst had happened and the city was in chaos, they had to be ready to fight their way out of there. The closer they got the more they could tell the city wasn't in good shape. One could easily smell smoke and there was no sign of life at the gates. Slowly riding up to the gates they heard a shout from the top of the wall. [b]“Halt! By the order of King Willum you are to move no farther.”[/b] Nikolaus looked up at the figure speaking and was relieved to see a normal guards uniform instead of a peasant with a crossbow. [color=ed1c24]“So the King is alive, that's good news isn't it. My name is Nikolaus Aeitos and I am the Duke of Yhore. I am here to deliver some paperwork to the court and enjoy some time away from my responsibilities. If you don't mind could you let me in?”[/color]. The guard appeared somewhat taken aback by someone asking to be let in to what is clearly a closed city. [b]“I was given direct orders to not let anyone in.”[/b] [color=ed1c24]“Well I'm not just anyone now am I? I am sure it would be fine if you let me in.”[/color] [b]“My lord, I am sorry, but I am afraid I do not have the authority to decide this.”[/b] [color=ed1c24]“Well then go find someone who does, until then my party and I will be camping out right here.”[/color] As Nikolaus said this he got off his horse and began unpacking his saddle bag. Looking up at the still figure atop the wall he hollered at him once more. [color=ed1c24]“Can you hurry up a bit, I don't really enjoy sleeping on the road.”[/color]. The guard looked around and walked off to go tell his captain about his situation as the Duke and his men began laughing while setting up their tents.