Indeed, that fateful excursion was due to be rife with potential madness, but before that happened, there were a few other things that had to go on. It begins with Eren asking [color=8dc73f]"So, what happens now?"[/color], and...him getting an answer. Maybe not the answer he or [i]anybody[/i] wanted to hear, exactly, but it was the one that was [i]inevitable[/i]. In short, [i]Hange[/i] answered. [color=a0410d]"Naturally, with this expedition in mind, we can hardly go into this unprepared. We need to understand how your change works, what its limits are, how we can control or at least direct it, and I believe we're all on the same page on where that should take place?"[/color] She looked to the two other Commanders, who of course were in the know. Erwin nodded, knowing that he had Eren in good if...perhaps overly-anxious hands. He knew Hange would not get [i]too[/i] overzealous with this, of course. The only [i]real[/i] concern he had was imparted with just a look in Levi and Sara's direction. It was a simple gesture, but the message was clear: [color=fff79a][i]'Your best wisdom on this matter, at all times.'[/i][/color] He was positive that certain unknowns were about to come to light, things that he had remained silent on for the good of all, and would remain so until one of the others - or perhaps just Sara herself - broke such a silence. He was going to be busy organizing the expedition itself, and he had a few thoughts on who to assign that would help... [color=fff79a]"I must go and get things underway, so I'll leave you in their charge now."[/color] And with that, Erwin left the room. No doubt, they'd be putting Eren back in his cell - probably for his own good - to await heading out to the location in question in the morning. At the moment, Kate was actively distracted before realizing [i]after[/i] Erwin left... [color=f7941d]"I forgot to ask him for help in getting some of that powder, 'cause I think the MPs aren't gonna just give it after we took Eren from them."[/color] [color=a0410d]"I'm sure we could sneak away with something on the way out, especially if you need to test them out first."[/color] Speaking of ups and downs, there appeared to be plans of explosive powder theft going on right under their noses here...