I couldn't [i]kelp[/i] myself ;P [hider=Aava the Nøkken] Name or Nickname: "Aava" (Means "vast/wide") Sex and preferred gender: Female Species: Näkki/Nøkken (The Japanese equivalent is called Kappa). Näkki is a Finnish and Scandinavian mythological water creature that is said to be the spirit of a drowned human, now trying to lure other people to drown as well. While the stories vary from violin playing charmers and beautiful voiced maidens to water plant covered, reptile-like creatures, the Nøkken is always trying to lure humans to their doom. Factional Alignment: None. She's just a confused "fish" out of water. Abilities: - Hydrokinesis: the ability to move surrounding water at will. This ability is unusual, and has developed to Aava to help her sustain her form better with any surrounding liquid while living in a land-dweller world. - Camouflage: Appearance on land is different than the one in water. Strengths: - Water: Near invincible when emerged in water, counterable by thunder magic etc. - Persuasion: Good at luring people and sweet talking them into her side. Weaknesses: - Dry spaces without access to any sort of water or liqud. - According to the folktale, throwing a pebble into the water before entering it banishes the Näkki on the ground, making it unable to return to the water until the human throws another stone, giving the Näkki a permission to return. - Fresh water Nøkken: the more salt the liquid at hand has, the harder it is to control. - Magic. Age: At the age of her drowning Aava was 17. Since then she has long forgotten how many years have passed. It's been at least a few centuries, however, making her closer to 400 years old. Physical Description: Aava is short. She's only about 5'3" and has a bad posture to top it off. Her skin is pale and cold, only now beginning to get colour after exposure to sunlight. Aava has a srawny frame and bony, long fingers. Her face is, for the lack of a better word, rather flat. Her eyes are large and sunken, but she still clearly resembles a human woman. A pretty one, even, just malnourished and unkempt. Aava's hair is matted and greasy. It falls limp on her face, cutting off unevenly at her collarbone like she has cut it herself without any knowledge on how cutting hair actually works. The hair is unnaturally green in colour, almost like a water plant growing in a lake. Aava's wide eyes have a dull look and are light blue in colour, a true hint of her Scandinavian origin. The girl's lips are chapped and pale, but seem evenly proportioned with her flatter nose. Her teeth are sharp and inhuman. Faint freckles nest on her nose area. Alignment: Chaotic neutral Personality in a nutshell: Aava is curious. She is confused and quiet, has a strong sense of self-preservation, and likes more than anything discovering new things. Having names for new things like animals, electricity, or television. She isn't evil, although she doesn't follow the same morals as humans do. She doesn't see anything wrong with preying on humans for food and being their friend at the same time. You could say she lacks social skills altogether. Her memory is also bad, and she can't really recall things from her past, only odd snippets of familiarity. When angered, Aava behaves like a child with a tantrum. However, the longer she spents on land, the more her long forgotten human personality starts to surface... Any Important Backstory: Aava hasn't seen civilisation for ages. The last time she was human cars and electric lights hadn't been invented yet. Hell, back then the land she habited still belonged to Sweden. Aava has long since forgotten her previous identity, who she used to be, where she came from. She doesn't even remember when she died, except that she drowned in a lake that would then become her home. Living in a lake for a century or two would make anyone forget. Craving human flesh, luring innocent children just a bit too far into the bed of reeds. [i]"Look what I've got, look at this beautiful seashell I've got. Wanna come play with me?"[/i] Well, everything changed one day for Aava. A clever human had a plan to catch her, and so he did. Throwing a pebble into the lake, the man forced Aava to show herself on land. Then he'd capture her with equipment Aava hadn't seen in her entire existence. Stuffed into a small glass jar of liquid to be forgotten, to be carried away from her home lake, her home country, her home continent. When Aava came to existence again, she was somewhere entirely new. She was in Redhaven, her capturer long gone. She'd been just forgotten there in a jar, and if not for a clumsy kid playing around and knocking it off the shelf... Aava was now free, and she would have to face a whole new civilisation that had been built in the decades she'd been locked up. With no one to quide her, in a whole new country, no less. [/hider]