Kaito's legs felt shaky. There was a loud rushing sound in his ears, like that of an oncoming train. Most of Gilda's words were lost in that madness. Bits and pieces trickled through, and they did nothing to calm him down. [i]Lilia. She's here. This is where she went.[/i] He fell forward onto his kness, placing his palms flat against the ground. It was spiky with dry dirt and up-sticking hay, but it was the only solid thing he had to grasp at the moment. Kaito could feel his throat tightening, and his rate of breathing increased threefold. His chest heaved as he looked up at Gilda wide-eyed. She was watching him with a sparkle in her eye, as if she expected great things of him at any moment. "I... I knew her. Lilia Akatsuki," he gasped whilst nodding. "I knew her on Earth. She came here, you say? We were [i]chosen[/i]?" It was a bit of a tough pill to swallow, but strangely enough it didn't hit him as hard as it probably should have. Kaito had seen this kind of thing dozens of times in the video games he played, books he read, and anime he watched. Even if it was a dream or hallucination, there was nothing wrong with enjoying the ride while it lasted. "Alright. Alright," he nodded slowly, swallowing hard and struggling back to his feet. Kaito reached to Gilda for assistance, but whether or not she helped, he was able to pull himself back to his feet. "Village of Autumn. Land of Wind. Easy enough to remember," he murmured, trying to retain some of the knowledge being spouted at him. Perhaps if he showed some understanding, she'd settle down, too. "So... what's the problem, then?" he asked, trying to see where he fit in with all of this. "If this [i]Sage[/i] brought me here, which I'm pretty sure she did, by the way... What's the matter? Is Lilia in trouble? What am I to do?" For some reason, the word '[i]gems[/i]' kept echoing in Kaito's mind. This '[i]Sage[/i]' had said it to him just before. Surely there was some significance to be had there.