[Hider=Sephiroth lookin' piece o' trash] Name: Namar. Age: 43 Race: Dhampir Height; 6"1' Weight; 189 lbs Class: Unchained Monk Appearance:[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/543010196797128706/543194864901160970/token_1_2.png[/img] Personality: Namar tends to be very passive, and speaks no more than he thinks necessary. He values actions over words, and is more inclined to show than tell. Biography: It was an ordinary day for the Monks at Wind's Peak Monastery, when there was a knock at the large doors. When a Monk answered the door, all he found was an infant, wrapped in a blanket inside of a basket. This infant would be named Namar, and would be raised as a Monk. Soon, however, the child grew long fangs, and was thought to be a Vampire. Tossing the child into the sun, they waited for the evil child to die. But instead of burning, the child simply sat, and played in the grass. Deciding he was of no harm, they looked into what this child could be. The child was revealed to be a Dayborn Dhampir, a half vampire born under the sun, with a weaker connection to their vampiric side. As such he was disciplined to resist his undead temptations, and to live like a human. Namar has no desire for blood, and spent much of his time outdoors in the sun, usually tending to plants and such. At first, Namar had no desire to fight, and refused training from the monks. He instead worked with the gardens, and even learned to bake. He made friends with many of the Monks, despite his heritage. One day, however, he was tasked with leaving the Monastery to go to a nearby village to get some tools repaired. He and another Monk made their way, but were attacked by a pair of bandits. Forced to defend himself, Namar had little idea on how to fight, and had to resort to using the fangs left to him by his father. Realizing the world outside is dangerous, Namar accepted training, and learned to fight. After a few years, however, Namar was told that he would have to leave the Monastery. There was only so much that training could do, and that he would need to go into the "real world" to earn actual experience. Namar reluctantly agreed, took a backpack full of supplies, and headed north to a walled town, where he would begin his adventure. Hex: [color=9e0b0f]9e0b0f[/color] FAQ AC: 15 Attack: Unarmed Strike. +6 to hit, 1d6+4 damage Special Traits: level drain immunity, +2 to resist mind affecting effects and diseases. Senses: Darkvision Skills- Perception (+8), Sense Motive(+6), and Intimidate(+6) Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11Vxgu7CR_9Mk530HtmNflKBT-FPN6yoakZfqNapszhk/edit#gid=0 [/Hider]