"K Nine" and "Setsuka" Location: Azure City (Abandoned Warehouse), MSU HQ Interactions: [@Bea] and [@Shard] It was during the fight at that Warehouse turned Quadcell prison that both Agents K Nine and Setsuka arrived on the scene. They had also shown up at the same time local authorities showed up to reports of gunfire. The commander even pointed out the missing agent and, according to Vermin Roach, his "new friend" talking to one of the officers. But they still had work to do. The Commander said that they'd be taken care of. So now, it was up to them to raid this place. Odd thing was, the gunfire had stopped. When them and other officers went downstairs, they did find a lot of things. For one, dead bodies from both soldiers guarding the place it seemed and prisoners who didn't make it but only a few it seemed. Still, evidence suggested that, indeed, Quadcell had their hands all over this place. And it seemed the place was quickly evacuated. There was a hidden door discovered that led into the sewer systems of Azure City. It would seem members of Quadcell that survived had decided to cut their losses. But again, papers and documentations left behind painted a clear but grisly picture as to what was going on here. With the area secure, both K Nine and Setsuka were called back to MSU headquarters for debriefing. And just has he expected, K Nine got chewed out. While they were happy that they found out where that prison was, they didn't like the fact that he had to dirty his hands to get that info. Even more so with the infamous Vermin Roach. A "Class A mutant" threat to MSU and other agencies of the law. Some even said that it wasn't even necessary since the gunfire heard and agent Replicant's escape made that move pointless and reckless. "...well sorry for "caring" bosses. And stop acting like I "enjoyed" that experience because I tell you now. I-DID-NOT-LIKE-DEALING-WITH-THAT-SCUM", was the smart and tempered reply he had given them. Needless to say, there was an arkward silence after that remark. Now, both he and Setsuka were at the medical ward area of MSU HQ. They were actually walking towards the room that the one they were trying to rescue, agent Replicant, and the mutant called Maksim were staying at. The reason being was simple. It was sort of a "punishment" that the commanders felt K Nine deserved for his smart remark. "...you don't have to do this too Setsuka", K Nine said. "Hey. Not going to leave you on a sinking ship. I paid Roaches services too you know", Setsuka responded. "Only because I forced you into it. I made that call, not you." "...Danny...were partners. That's what we do." On that, both continued on with their new assignment. Simply put, they were going to "shadow" both Agent Replicant aka Milo and the mutant Maksim until told otherwise. They'll watch from a distance but nothing more. To Danny though, it felt like babysitting... * * * * * * * * * * The members of quadcell that had evacuated their warehouse prison were working their way through the dirty water and pathways of the Azure City sewer system. Out of all of them, the female in the white lab coat was the one that stood out a little amonst the group. A somewhat annoyed look on her face since she had missed the one opportunity to study such a rare mutant from MSU. While she did manage to grab some blood samples, she was forced to abandon all her other projects because she didn't think MSU would find the place as quick as they did or rather a mutant breaking his restraints and releasing said mutant. But as she and her group moved, a roach seemed to be following them...watching them as if it had a will of it's own... [i]...keep moving...mind your own business...[/i], Roach thought to himself as he observed the group. Truth be told, he was just making sure they didn't do anything foolish down here since this was the only place Roach felt at home in. If Quadcell started building a lab down here...well...that would be bad for his business. Then again, his business wasn't exactly safe either. But even he knew how dangerous Quadcell was. He had a roach at the park and watched everything go down. But even more curious was the critical bit of information he had heard...the "other" reason that attack happened. Indeed, this was business...but one mistake, business would close...permanently.