[center][h1]Blood Iron Princess [/h1][/center] [color=lightcoral] “That makes sense...yeah it does. And r-right, gotta show you my place. Just for the uh record, incase the World or whatever didn’t give you the information on manifestation, we’re not in the middle of a grail war.” [/color] Serene wasn’t too sure how the whole incarnating as a servant worked, her father had mentioned before that servants tended to be influenced by the era in some way, usually in minor, often unnoticeable ways at first. Some were more major. That said, given where they were, Da Vinci would likely enjoy the situation immensely. Serene gestured for the relatively modern, age of man Caster to follow her, as she turned around, and walked towards the doorway, leading out, internally fist pumping. Yes, it had worked. She could handle this “hurdle” of one of the greatest genius’ in human history being a woman, it made sense. She had a tool...no, not a tool, she had an ally, a comrade. With a servant at her side, they’d be able to handle nearly anything. Assuming no divine servants started tossing anti-fortress NPs around at least… [color=lightcoral] “While I had my people set up a space for a workshop, if you don’t like that space, we can convert any other room, short of the security, kitchen, and communication rooms into one. Or I guess you can, given the whole Territory Creation skill that I’m assuming you have.” [/color] She grabbed the door, opening it, making it clear that Caster was welcome to go on ahead. Heading forward would, of course, reveal a collection of other humans, almost none magi, but at least in on the whole deal, watching in wide-eyed shock at who stepped out with the Blood Iron Princess. Dress to impress, people.