Closing her eyes, Angeline calmed herself. It would do none of them any good to have shaky hands and a frantic mind. Though she would never tell him or anyone else, that she did jump when she heard Ronan's deep voice over the comms. Again, that's something that she was not ever going to share with any of them. At least not before killing them that is. But that was something for another time. Right now her focus needed be to on the squad that was coming through the clearing. She had a good clear shot but she wanted to wait for some kind of order from Ronan. It would do her any good if she took her shot and then all hell broke loose. Ronan would definitely have her flayed alive for that. Well that was if Skullboy could catch her. Then again, that idea did sound really good. She was awfully tensed up. Maybe getting into a fight with him is just what she needed. Fuck it. She was doing it anyway. [color=ed145b]"Hey Ronan, hold my beer"[/color]. She chuckled to herself before she aimed her rifle and took her first shot. From where she was stationed, the wind played a factor in where her shot landed. It wasn't a headshot like she hoped but it did land in the clone's shoulder. And if she was lucky enough and hit it in the perfect spot, said arm would cease to have any function. She basically just Crippled his arm. Not a lethal shot, but he it got the job done. And it allowed the Twins and Ronan, to rush them if they wished. Angeline could definitely could be a good distraction of nothing else.