[h2]Mihama Nanako[/h2] Nanako sagged. She had been worried that something like that would be the response. Meltryllis seemed very proud of herself, of her appearance, of absolutely everything about herself. That meant trying to get her to comply with indecent exposure laws was going to be difficult, to say the least. But surely there were other Servants who might have wanted to show off their form out of pride, right? How was that sort of thing handled before? There had to be some way to persuade Meltryllis to try another outfit! "Well... there's these things called indecent exposure law-ah?!" Melt was already going through the elevator door, and it was already shutting! Nanako quickly hurried inside, not wanting to be left behind while her Servant wandered the streets without any kind of guidance. No matter how Meltryllis seemed to simply not care about getting any sort of help at all, the brunette still didn't feel right letting her wander off on her own and try to find her way around the city. "Aaah... Melt-san, it's a lot more important to at least try and wear something that's less... er... erotic than that... Are you sure there's absolutely nothing else you'd want to try on?" She paused for a moment, shifting uncertainly. At the very least, Meltryllis's jacket would help keep her somewhat more covered up and less likely to violate indecent exposure laws. Hopefully. Maybe they could talk about that later. Nanako found herself glancing at the Alter Ego's legs again. They were honestly beautiful, in a strange way. Not like how the human-like parts of Melt were beautiful, but more like some sort of abstract work of art. At the same time, she was getting that hint of danger again. She couldn't keep quiet about it any longer. "So... your legs, are they your weapons too?" she asked, "I guess I'm just curious..." [@PKMNB0Y]