Elizabeth let out an uncharacteristic scream inside her cockpit, the entire squad heard it as the channel was live. The veterans of the group who may have forgotten in the midst of the unraveling combat were immediately reminded that the Princess had never seen actual live combat before. She righted Ojo with forced determination, her pale face burning bright red. The beast lay before her, practically at her feet. It wasn't moving, but the sensors seemed to indicate that it was still alive. No time to take chances, she readied the Hoshizori and released one of her EMP rounds into the Cruxi. "I've hit the beast with an EMP, so it should be out of commission for a little while, but uh, if someone gets a chance to kill it... that would be advisable..." The words were polite, the tone somewhere between embarrassed and demanding. She wondered if she could use the GDA to crush the beast, or at least fling it away from her and the team... an experiment for later, but for now she had more important things to worry about. She navigated to F9 and prepared for the next volley from the turtles. She kept and eye on both turtles in B and I 3, but both of them were occupied, so she focused her attention primarily on the center turtle. If possible she would drop the round in E/F-5. Elizabeth expected better results, she had already deflected one blast, so now her system would have more data about the munition density and speed, allowing her greater control over it. TLDR: Shoot the Cruzi with an EMP, move to F9 and ready GDA.