[center][h3] Michael [/h3] Level 3- (0/30) EXP (+3) (Level Up) Location: Scrapyard - Bridge Wordcount: 1315 [/center] [hr] For a few moments, everything was quiet, the party seemingly frozen in fear. The silence was finally broken when the giant Bowser clone began to speak, mocking their Bowser. Michael couldn't help but frown as he listened to him go on about how much he was better than his apparent clone. [color=00aeef][i]Jeez, what a dick.[/i][/color] As soon as he got done berating their Bowser for all of his failures, he immediately began to list off all the ways he was better. [color=00aeef][i]Well, no shit, your subjects are loyal because they're all brainwashed. Every politician's dream come true.[/i][/color] The speech only made Michael dislike this Bowser even more. While their Bowser shared a few traits with the impostor, he at least seemed to genuinely care for the people he considered his subjects. This guy, on the other hand, clearly only cared about power. Soon, the clone's attention was drawn to the Courier's drunken ramblings. For the moment, he seemed to be pleased with what the man said to him, but Michael could see that pleasure be replaced by disappointment as the clone noticed Mario getting up, wondering how "he got out". Michael felt his heart sink as it appeared that he had caught onto their scheme. Din performed a dance, which seemed to distract him for a bit and got Michael's hopes up, but said hopes were immediately crushed once the clone announced that he saw what they were doing. His heart sank even lower as he announced he was going to turn them into paste, and energy surged through him. Michael tightened his grip around his rifle, preparing to make what could possibly be their final stand. Before they could be turned into paste, the air began to shimmer, and...something came out. [color=00aeef][i]It's a...hand? The fuck?[/i][/color] Whatever it was, the clone Bowser stopped to speak to it. It unfolded its hand, revealing some sort of being inside it. The clone leaned in to listen to it, apparently annoyed at what he was being told. To Michael's surprise, the clone then announced that he had some "pests" to deal with, and would be returning to his castle. Michael let out a deep breath, relieved that he was gone. However, while one problem was gone for the moment, they now had a new problem to deal with. He took in a deep breath as the hand waved to them, trying to mentally prepare himself for whatever was next. Michael didn't expect the hand entity to be able to speak, but it did. He could almost feel the air vibrating around him, and what it said sent a chill down his spine, as the entity directly addressed the group. Whatever it was, it was clear that it was on a higher level than anything they had faced before. While the other entities appeared to only be influenced by Galeem, it seemed that this being had a deeper connection. It spoke of their strength, before saying that they did not understand their mission, that it would leave them empty. It then snapped its fingers, summoning what looked like seven trophy cases from thin air. They floated down to the bridge, and the hand entity continued its speech, asking them to give in to the light, and that they could live with their friends and family. He scoffed at that. [color=00aeef][i]Bullshit. What, does he think we're stupid enough to fall for that?[/i][/color] He watched as the trophy case-looking objects shattered against the bridge, revealing different figures. The first one revealed a small robot, and the next... [color=00aeef][i]No...no, you're shitting me.[/i][/color] As much as he wanted to deny it, he was there. Franklin, the kid Michael had met by chance, and had taken under his wing. His business partner, and friend. He had hoped to meet him again, but even from the distance, Michael could see that his eyes were empty. Franklin, like everyone else they had met, had fallen under Galeem's influence. The entity spoke again, snapping his fingers to create some sort of field around the summoned people. It announced that they would not attack unless they attacked, but they would fight with three times their normal strength, and would not move from their position. It finished by saying that there only choice was to kill their friends, or die here. Michael holstered his rifle, walking towards Franklin. He stopped as he noticed Ratchet run towards the small robot. [color=00aeef]"Hey, wait-"[/color] He tried to call out, but he was too late. As he embraced the robot, Michael watched with horror as light surrounded him, and as it dissipated, his eyes looked the same as the rest of the brainwashed figures on the bridge. [color=00aeef]"Oh, Christ..."[/color] The sight made his stomach turn, their former ally being taken by the force that he had once fought to stop. Looking away from them, he turned to face Franklin once again, walking near him, but keeping a safe distance. Franklin recognized him as he approached, and his face lit up. [color=39b54a]"Michael! Man, there you are! Been looking for you."[/color] Michael gulped as he spoke. [color=00aeef]"It's, uh...it's good to see you too."[/color] He scratched the back of his head. Looking around, he noticed that a few of the others had already engaged some of the spirits, with gunfire and explosions going off nearby. Disturbingly, Franklin didn't seem to notice at all. [color=39b54a]"Hey, who's your friends? This some sort of Halloween party or something?"[/color] Franklin said, looking over towards the other members of the group. [color=00aeef]"It's a long story. Anyways, since you're here...we sort of need to get inside the castle."[/color] Franklin shook his head. [color=39b54a]"Sorry, man. I can't let you inside."[/color] [color=00aeef]"...and why not?"[/color] [color=39b54a]"I can't."[/color] Michael frowned. [color=00aeef]"Frank, we're friends, right? Come on. How many times have I saved your ass, huh? Come on, for me. Just let me go."[/color] Franklin just shook his head. [color=39b54a]"I still can't let you in. Sorry, man."[/color] Michael frowned. He didn't want it to come to this, but it looked like there was no choice. Hearing the Centurion in the distance, he turned to him, raising up an arm. [color=00aeef]"Hey, big guy! Over here."[/color] He turned back to face Franklin. [color=00aeef]"Frank... I'm sorry for this. Once this is over, you'll understand."[/color] While he could easily snipe Franklin from a distance, he didn't want to kill him by accident. If he could get him incapacitated, they could use the heart-things to bring him back. While the entity said that everyone on the bridge would fight with "three times their power", he hoped that they would still go down easy enough. With the Centurion's help, it might be easy. Taking a deep breath, Michael suddenly reached for his suit pocket, drawing his Uzi and firing several rounds directly into Frank's torso. While he was quick, and the shots were accurate, Franklin soon raised his pistol, and fired. [i]BANG![/i] Michael let out a anguished scream as the pistol bullet hit him with the force of a shotgun slug. He collapsed, falling to his knees and dropping the Uzi nearby. Looking down, he saw a large hole in his chest where he was shot. He put a hand on it to try and halt the bleeding, but the pain was intense. Looking up, he saw Franklin take a few steps towards him. To his horror, the bullets seemed to little effect, Franklin shrugging them off even as blood poured out onto his shirt. As he looked into his friend's eyes, he saw that they were empty, save for the unnatural haze that signified Galeem's influence. As he stared down the barrel of Franklin's gun, he tried one more time to reason with his friend. [color=00aeef]"Frank...don't do this..."[/color] Franklin's expression remained blank, Michael's words seemingly no longer registering, as if a switch had been flipped. [color=39b54a]"Sorry about this."[/color] With that, he slowly lifted up his arm, aiming his pistol at Michael's head.