As they finally reached the inn and headed to their room, Penelope let out a quiet sigh as John wasted no time in directing Crow where to sleep. She frowned a little as she watched her father chain him up to the bed post. He was clearly quite determined to keep them apart. His opposition to their relationship was far stronger than any other person who had discovered them. It left a bit of a bitter taste in her mouth as people continued to disapprove of them being together. Her attention shifted back to her father as he commanded her to take up the bed on the other side of the room. "Fine." she muttered before turning and walking over to set her bag down besides the bed. She removed her armor to get ready to lay down and stretched out her back. Her gaze wandered over the room as she watched her father—satisfied with his efforts to keep them apart—move to take up the middle bed for the night. Her green eyes eventually rested on Crow for a moment. With her father's back to her, she casted him soft look before turning away from him to lay down on the bed. "Good night." she said quietly. She figured it was the most she'd be able to get away with saying to the thief at the moment and even then, she couldn't directly say it to him. Feeling upset and frustrated, she threw her blanket over herself and closed her eyes tightly, hoping to fall asleep quickly. Part of her wanted this cursed journey to be over with already while another part of her dreaded what would happen once they reached the inner kingdom. She let out a shaky sigh and turned to attempt to get comfortable. After a bit of laying in silence, the knight finally managed to drift off into a light sleep.