[Center][h2]Elina[/h2] [color=6ecff6]Location:[/color] School assembly hall [@Jojo][@Animal][@ShwiggityShwah][@Scribe of Thoth][@King Cosmos][@Claw2k11][Anyone at the front row][/center] After having passed by the beetle boy giving him a short introduction he took a moment to remember her. It was to expect, seeing how he was probably busy with something else at he time. She couldn't blame him. He did exclaim to remember her somewhat, that made her somewhat glad. It would mean that trying to befriend him wouldn't end up any more awkward then she already felt right now. Kenji didn't seem to doubt the fighting skills of the crocodile teacher either, hearing that he was lucky to make it out alive somehow. Well she had huge respects for him to battle a teacher on that caliber and get accepted that way. Elina didn't know if he saved any dummies beside that, he likely didn't. Fighting a teacher so soon in the exam wouldn't leave you much time to escape him and save dummies. Elina knew that with her own teacher fight. Kenji introduced herself before she commented back on him [center]"He wouldn't leave you there to die, I think at least..."[/center] Elina sat down and apologized, at her apology Kenji remarked something peculiar. He was okay that her quirk wouldn't be able to be turned off. Elina blushed softly at his pleasant reply gazing at her own lap. Elina directed her gaze towards Kenji and gave him a light smile. Kenji showed of the moving antenna on his head, he had a quirk that was always active as well of course because it was a mutant quirk. [center]"I suppose so."[/center] Up till now she wouldn't see Kenji being so very nice after having seen him how he was in battle. Elina expected the boy to be more fierce and aggressive but he was actually really sweet. Is he always like this out of battle? More students entered the auditorium and sat all around the room. Some of those students decided to sit at the front row as well, the first noticeable students was a girl wearing unfit winter clothes as well. Elina furrowed her brow and stared inconspicuously at her for a few seconds to see if she could notice anything off about her. Apart from her attire she could only guess that her quirk was a heat based quirk as well. Next was a nerdy looking guy, Shun. He didn't look strong in any form so she suspected him to have a quirk that would fill up the lack of muscle he had just like her own quirk. He did appear to be rather excited about all of this. The big dragon thing from outside came to sit with them as well, Elina curiously stared at him again. 'Could he breath fire' was her first thought. It might be intresting to get to know him as well, or her. It was dressed like a guy at least, yet she couldn't be cautiousness enough. A new nerdy Starbucks guy came to sit behind them as well. For some reason his face annoyed Elina like she had spoken to him somewhere before, something like an IC chat. Anyhow, did he have a powerbank with him? A fancy one at that. It plugged itself into his phone. Must be his quirk, a simple one. Blue guy came to sit with them as well, fun. She saw him more as a backseat kind of guy but she was wrong. Good for him to be this interested.