[h2]Lancer[/h2] “Elder Sister?” It had been a long time since Lancer heard anyone calling her in that way. Even discounting the fact that she had been dead for several centuries, it was still a long time since she had any contact with her origins. Nevertheless, it was impossible to negate who the person before her was. The only way to put this meeting into words was fate, almost as if the hands of the Norns had guided them together. “I’m as surprised, and glad, as you are. To think that one of us would still be walking the Earth after all these long years. It must have been quite… hard for you to endure,” Lancer said, bringing a clenched fist to her chest as she looked at her sister with wistful eyes. “But, to answer your question, the current world seems very kind. I didn’t get the chance to see much of it yet but I think I like it like this. Even if no more great heroes are ever born. Also, if it’s possible I would do it as well as... [i]visit the resting place of my beloved Sigurd[/i],” she said, answering her sister’s excited questions. Though her voice trailed to barely above a whisper as she finished her reply, almost as if she were talking to herself by the end of it. [h2]Kirsi Eirisphere[/h2] To think that anyone could not only sleep but also have a good night of rest while tucked away in a catacomb full of vengeful wraiths and witch of legend, would normally be a travesty. But the fact was that Kirsi was used to think kind of environment, to the point that the most noticeable thing she could remember when she woke up was having some kind of weird dream about an old village, a young girl with a big, shiny forehead, and nothing else of much importance. [i]“I wonder if that had anything to do with Caster’s past. Also, for some reason, I really feel like having some milk,”[/i] she thought as she got back to her feet and readied herself for another day. “Hey, Caster, do you wanna go out and have some breakfast? I had a strange dream yesterday and now I’m really feeling like having some milk and pancakes. If you want, I can get some for you as well,” Kirsi said after she finished washing her face and changing into some fresh clothes.