Crow laid down on his bed with a long sigh, shifting until he found a comfortable enough position to fall asleep. With the chain on his wrist forcing his arm up towards the headboard, and his wound aching from of the long day of travel, it wasn’t easy, but he eventually managed to settle down on his side in a way that was tolerable enough to drift off. He drew his blanket over himself and closed his eyes, still frustrated that Penelope’s father was going to such lengths to keep them apart. He didn’t want to just give up and let the arrogant man have his way, but what else could he do? As long as John continued to force himself between them, he couldn’t get close to Penelope. [i]But he’s not doing anything right now,[/i] the thief realized as he glanced over at the older knight’s sleeping form. A smile found its way onto his lips as he came up with an idea. Moving carefully, he reached over the edge of the mattress, feeling around until he located his boots. The knights in the camp had taken his weapons, but as far as he knew, they hadn’t figured out about the other tools he kept for thievery. Perhaps he had gotten lucky again and they hadn’t found them this time either. As his fingers brushed against the cool metal of his pick lock key, Crow grinned victoriously. It seemed the knights’ incompetence with thieves had saved him yet again. He drew the small device from his boot and carefully lifted it to the chain around his wrist, inserting it into the lock and working it until he heard a soft [i]click[/i]. His heart raced excitedly in his chest, and he casted one more glance towards John to make sure that the knight hadn’t been roused by the soft noise. Of course, the older man laid still, sleeping peacefully while he believed he had trapped the thief in his bed. Taking advantage of the opportunity he had created for himself, Crow sat up and quietly slipped off the bed, making his way carefully to the other side of the room with well-rehearsed stealth. When he reached Penelope’s bedside, he paused, taking a moment to look down at her sleeping face with a soft smile. It was still hard for him to believe just how thoroughly she had captured his heart. Every time he looked at her, he felt a swell of affection that made him love her even more. Feeling an especially strong burst of fondness for the knight, he reached out to brush a strand of hair out of her face and gingerly sat on the edge of the bed, leaning down to touch a gentle kiss to her cheek. “Hey there,” he whispered into her ear, trailing his hand from her shoulders down to the small of her back. “Did you miss me?”