The spider hissed and screeched at every fire attack that hit it, and it seemed like it was going to go down, at least, until Shaula came in, and put out the flames. Earlier, she said she never said anything about lizard people, but... if she was a conspiracy theorist looking at a dragon, Trevor was certain she was at least THINKING it. Either way, the spider, now a bit more confident about attacking the group went right for Trevor, fangs-first, and unfortunately, he wasn't paying much attention, since he was trying to tell Shaula that the enemy being on fire was a GOOD thing, so, he took some damage from the venomous fangs, but... oddly enough, he didn't even feel like he was poisoned. Aerin then came through the portal, and seemed to be concerned that this might be a former human, as well, and, despite the hissing and screeching, Trevor thought that might still be at least SOMEWHAT possible, so, he asked [color=2e3192]"Hey, were you a human, before, too? If so, um... sorry about the fire, and we'll heal you up,"[/color] the spider gave no response, save for another screech... this time, a few tiny spiders seemed to surround it, and the three tiny spiders seemed to be using some sort of weird... shield spell on the main spider, at this point. Trevor tried to ignore the shield spell, and just tried to breathe fire on the main spider, again, but... nothing happened. Seemed like the shield was at least good enough to protect it against fire attacks, unfortunately. Trevor then thought back to the video games he's played, and tried to remember if he had seen something like this before... a big thing that's suddenly protected by a bunch of smaller, probably weaker things... hmmm.