[center][h2]Arsene Lupin[/h2][/center] In the patio area of a coffee shop, an elderly man in slacks, the green jacket of a tracksuit, and a New York Mets baseball cap sat sipping a cup of coffee and looking over a list. Though written in code, disguised as a shopping itinerary with a few doodles, the man was keeping track of something. As always, Arsene Lupin was plotting his next heist, and wanted a crew. After all, if he was going to be a Servant, it only made sense that his escapades would need to reach an entirely new level. He moved the unlit cigarette in his mouth to the other side, tapping the side of his head with the pencil as he went over his candidates- largely other thieves and previous teachers. [i]Sherlock Holmes: Notify intent, it's fun watching him sweat. Caster? Owes Watson a hat. Ishikawa Goemon: Legendary ninja, grandson recommends. Assassin. Giuseppe "Cagliostro" Basalmo: Absolutely down for it, will likely inquire about Jr and his daughter. Caster. Alfred Nobel: Good man, taught chemistry, would not answer summon. Caster. El Coyote: Mexican Bandito, gentleman thief, man of class. Maybe. Rider. Louis Pasteur: Knowledge of microbiology extensive, not likely to help. Unknown. Robin Hood: Absolutely down for it. Likely to showboat. Archer. Victor Frankenstein: Classmate at University of Vienna. Not likely to help, rather broody. Caster? Ned Kelly: Hell yes. Lord Edward Lister: Owed over the matter in Edinburgh. Contact if possible. Lancer? Hong Gildong: Gentleman thief, bandit king, master of korean martial arts. Possible. Saber? Nikola Tesla: Taught me everything I know about electrical principles, not likely to help. Archer. Zenigata Heiji: Name sounds familiar. Seems like a nice guy. Notify of crimes. Archer. Edison: Thief, but no gentleman. Hard pass. Billy the Kid: Good candidate, likely to shoot off early. Maybe. Archer. Blackbeard: Weeaboo. No. Rider. Zorro: Unknown quantity, seems a decent sort. Saber. James Moriarty: [/i] Lupin had to think a moment. Though he was indeed a master criminal, and one of the only other men Holmes considered a worthy opponent, he had decidedly different visions of crime than Lupin. Lupin committed crimes for amusement, to redistribute wealth and treasure. James Moriarty did so for personal gain and power. They both matched wits with Sherlock Holmes, but where Lupin and Holmes admitted begrudging respect... well, he didn't know Moriarty that well, so he couldn't weigh in there. Eventually, after heavy consideration, he was left with his answer, writ large in red ink, circled three times, and underlined six. It had been an easy choice- after all, he preferred to work with men he found likable. [i]James Moriarty: [color=ed1c24][u][b]Asshole.[/b][/u][/color][/i] Folding the paper, he put it in the pocket of his pants before getting up with a huff and starting off. It was a nice day, and he'd made a point of showing up in this disguise to the park around this time. Today, however, it looked like there would be a brief detour- a few small girls, two of them Servants, were apparently having some issues with locating a "Dorothy." While he was a thief, he was also a gentleman, and not prone to leaving children in despair. He adjusted his hat and headed up, speaking in an impeccable Brooklyn accent as he scratched the side of his head. "Now, my hearin' ain't what it used ta be, but I heard the little lady's lost somethin'. I ain't gotta meet my buddies til' late, you want I should give ya a hand lookin'?" [@RolePlayerRoxas] [@Rin] [@VitaVitaAR]