[h2]Alkyrieaze von Einzbern[/h2] It was a nice day, and Alkyrieaze didn't have any classes to attend. Though, she supposed, it might be more accurate to say that the child didn't have any [i]useful[/i] classes to attend; even when it came to tertiary education, magical instruction could be extremely limited. There was no reason for her to [i]ever[/i] attend anything related to Alchemy unless she wanted to spend a few hours criticising the teacher. Maybe if they got Paracelsus in to teach something, but then it wouldn't really be [i]her[/i] attending in the first place... Instead, the girl had looked through a map of city attractions, marked the more exuberant activities as for a time when she didn't feel under the weather at all, and then set off to the zoo. Because of course Fusang had something like that, and she'd even heard that people were discussing the chance of adding dinosaurs to the mixture. The homunculus had liked the snakes she'd seen the most, though tigers had also been impressive (if alarmingly big from her perspective), and she was still putting off the petting zoo as she didn't want to [i]seem[/i] childish, but for the moment... It was an interesting sight: the palest figure in the zoo, dressed in cream and burgundy, staring into the exhibit. Inside the exhibit, the object of her attention stared back, but slightly off to the side. It snorted threateningly. "Diarmuid, the piglet thinks it could beat you," Alklyrieaze surmised, continuing to look at the tiny boar. [@Reflection]