[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/6ee337f0-dd9e-480d-a2aa-e7bb5a27b23d.png[/img][/center] Sitting on the floor of his bedroom, the crimson maned young man diligently worked. A large blade, about 3/4th's his own height, rested in his lap as he tinkered away. It was a crudely put together weapon, not as polished looking as most, but it functioned. Having made sure it functioned at top performance, he smiled. He collapsed the blade to it's standby mode and secured it to the small of his back. After grabbing the large duffel in the corner of the room and slinging it over his shoulder he made his way out the door and down the living room. As he entered he was blindsided by a hard flick to the forehead. [color=crimson]"Ow! The hell was that for?!"[/color] [color=lightcoral]"For choosing to study halfway across Remnant and not giving a single 'hesitant look at your room and smiling reluctantly as you close the door seventeen years worth of memories'! You don't seem to even care that you'll be leaving your dear, sweet mother to miss and worry about you!"[/color] The older woman was an odd mixture of fiery no-nonsense and over-the-top melodramatic that her son could never acclimate too. He never knew what would set her off. [color=crimson]"That dumb cliche is your reason?! Wait, you were watching me pack? Geez, you've gotta be the weirdest mom in all of Atlas."[/color] Sol rubbed his forehead still stinging from the flick. She wasn't too happy when he told her he planned on going to Beacon Academy. Rightly so, as she wasn't even aware he had been training and building his own weapon in secret or that he wanted to become a huntsman at all. He had his reasons for keeping his training from and the hunstman part was a rather recent development. [color=lightcoral]"Don't just brush off my motherly love and concern as 'weird'!"[/color] She sighed and looked over her son. She hadn't noticed how tall and mature he'd grown. When did it start? Or was he just growing up all along and she didn't want to notice. [color=lightcoral]"Just make me a promise. That you'll call every once in a while? Promise?[/color] Sol rubbed the back of his neck. [color=crimson]"Yeah, I'll try to remember-"[/color] His mother pulled him him for a hug. [color=lightcoral]"I know you, Sol. You take so much after you're father and the few things you take after me are so unflattering. That mix makes you a nightmare to get anything real out of. So, [b]promise[/b] me you'll call?[/color] Sol knew she wouldn't let go until he did and the airship was set to take off soon. He hugged his mother back with some reluctance. [color=crimson]"Promise."[/color] [hr] The trip itself wasn't much to speak of but as the airship started to approach it's destination, the prospective students started to get restless and head toward the main deck to catch a glimpse of their new home for the next 4 years. Sol wasn't as eager and found the others excitement irritating. While they did that, he hung back in the small room he was provided for the voyage and pulled box our of his duffel. He stared at the box more a few moments, recalling memories that he needed to push aside now. Once he felt he'd put the box and it's associated thoughts at the back of his mind, he made his way to the deck with the rest. [color=crimson]"A fresh start and a chance to do more..."[/color] As uninterested in view as he was initially, Sol couldn't deny the breathtaking sight of Beacon Academy in the distance.