If I had to say something bad about discord, it's that perhaps it makes one [i]too[/i] connected. I've recently decided that I'm basically only going to write over the weekends to keep the rest of my week free for other stuff, but I find that more often than not, someone has an idea they want to share with me, or I just find myself rambling to people about RP stuff. It's easy enough to just go invisible, but then that one time you forget to turn invisibility off and people think you're ignoring them when you really are offline. Also, fully turning off discord makes you harder to get a hold of, which was one of the things using discord was suppose to fix. This is a problem I've always struggled with, but it's a bit worse in the hyper connectivity era we currently live in. That and I'm a co-gm/GM in 3 rps now. Maybe I just need to scale back.