[@Mistiel][@rush99999] DId you have a specific story in mind? As in a Guild of Adventurers. Where you join a guild of adventurers, where you do just that Adventure. And adventure may never be as grand as slaying dragons, or saving villages. Sometimes they are sloshing through boggy bottoms, hiding from a group of gnolls that desire to consume you, or Trivia night at the local tavern. Regardless, you left your humble beginnings to take up a new life, rather than dying within five miles of your birthplace. A Free Company. A Company of mercenaries. Who's feared and sought after for hire. Some of you were soldiers, some liked the idea of military life, some maybe wished to see the world while earning coin, and maybe some others are simply tag-alongs wishing to see where the Free Company's glory shines its light over the battlefield, or dawn among their broken bodies and tattered banner. Save the world. You might have never thought you'd be a hero. You may have never asked for it. But here you are. Facing down treacherous evil - which you may or may not want to be involved in. Indiana Jones shenanigans. You are treasure hunters, sent by a guild to a far off distant land. You seek an obscure artifact. But there are others who may want it for themselves. Good intentions or not. And there may even be enemies in your own. Trying to run a barony, where one player is the baron/ruler of a growing kingdom. And the others are his Praetorian guard, inner circle, or advisors. You have been sent away at an early age with a sect of close friends, or made some new friends and trusted individuals. It was under the guise of tutalage, or maybe something to humble you. But it was to shield you from the eventual collapse of your house. You return, intent to reclaim your birth right. And rule with either Tyrannical efficiency, or as a benevolent lord. Maybe you want to do a mafia, or a guild of thieves where you take over a City? Maybe you run a Tavern? Adventures never have to be all about going out into the wilds. Sometimes, the innerworkings of a city can be absolutely nightmarish on its own. And we all know that the barkeeps are usually the strongest people in the world. Maybe prisoners of high crime (whether or not it was true), and you're in a tale of survival? A group of Kobolds on a journey that puts the 'bold' in their name? Were they carrying the last egg of their fallen dragon after a group of adventurers destroyed their home and smited their master? Etc... These are just examples. I'm fairly open to the stories that players want. Though I tend to be the DM that focus more on direction, than open world. Not to be confused with Railroading. But rather, there's a goal you will eventually meet. And the openish part is how you get there. Mass effect basically. The good ones, not Andromeda. And did you want to do this as a Post by Post? Or a Discord group? Also sorry it took a week to respond. I didn't have this thread subscribed.